#4 Travel Log – Down the West CoaststeemCreated with Sketch.

in #travel7 years ago (edited)




Route: Jönköping->Helsingborg
Distance: 468
Duration: 11 days (7 days of cycling)

Day 17:

So after relaxing in Sauna and some sightseeingin Jönköping, I finally leave Vättern behind and head further West.
IMG_20170609_194614.jpgA lovely young couple from warmshowers.org invited me to stay at their place closeby Boras and I get amazing food and some homebrewed beer.

Day 18:

Then I am finally of to Gothenburg, Swedens Second-biggest city, and people told me it's the most lively city in the country.

Arriving in Gothenburg - No pictures here since I lost my memory card :(

I stay at another young couples place and get to do some well needed laundry.

Day 19:

The next day I move to two young Spanish Exchange Students' place and get a private City Tour by Bike.

Day 20:

I was planning to leave Gothenburg behind, but there is a lot of rain and wind coming from the South. Oh and my hosts organized a small festival in the Student dormitory yard with music and barbeque. So I stay another night and finally head south on the next day.

Day 21:

I would cycle along the Kattegadleden, Swedens first National cycle route, taking me 370km along the Swedish West coast from Gothenburg to Helsingborg.
The weather is finally kind of nice :)
I share most of the distance with a fun Dutch guy on a recumbent.
Then I follow an invitation for dinner from a couple on the way. I think the only thing I have to tell you about them is:
The only counted trips longer then 6 weeks as a real biketour.
Continuing further until Åsa, I find an deserted house to stay in. A hammock is also perfect to stay inside. :)

Day 22:

No having to worry about direction since I can just follow the sign I continue on Kattegattleden.
I met a inspiring German pensioner couple, who spend most of summer every year doing self supported biketours around Scandinavia. I visit the Varberg caste and the city festival (It's national day and there is stuff happening everywhere around - Still no pictures)
Two nights and a day of full rain and wind were approaching, so I started looking unsuccesfully for a host on warmshowers, so I went back to couchsurfing. I never got lucky there last minute before, but there in the middle of nowhere around 10pm I get an answer from a guy there. He would always be happy to accommodate a bike tourer. He turns out to be an avid sportsguy and its a pleasure to stay in his house with his dog.

Day 23:

I finally have a day to get some stuff done (except for writing a blog post, thats why I'm incredibly late now).

Day 24:

So after a day off I'm back on the road. I visit my host at his workplace in Halmstadt and continue onto Kattvik which is situated on a peninsula, many of the Swedes i met on the recommended to me. And can watch a lonely fisherman close to the tip.
I find a nice place to camp just at the beach protected by the trees around.
It would rain alot but my Tarp is serving me well and i stay mostly dry :D

Day 25:

Just south of that Peninsula the is another one called Kullaberg, featuring impressive cliffs and Sweden's brightest Lighttower, already being over 100 years old.
Closeby are camping shelters and a fireplace, because of more rain during the night I put up my hammock in the rain shelter and sleep comfortably and dry.

Day 26:

The next morning I have breakfast with a local girl who spends her weekend hiking along the cliffs of Mölle I cycle of early. It's a lot of fun driving mostly downhill to Helsingborg. mmexport1499028484630.jpgWhere I arrive around noon and board the ferry to my next destination and my 28th country to visit: Denmark!IMG_20170610_121333.jpg

Sorry for being so late, I've been busy planning my next life chapter, and I am more then excited to be able to announce it soon.


i like your post my friend

Thanks appreciate it :)

Excellent blog - thank you!

Thank you for reading :)

If I knew you would have come to Gothenburg I would have invited you to our communal crypto community @artesian.life , maybe next time, good luck on your journey! ;)

My hometown is Halmstad, how was that, quite beautiful huh? :)

You have a typo btw, "Halmstadt" -> "Halmstad"

Awesome post mate! Love staying up to date with your adventures. Unlucky with the memory card though.

All the best mate, look forward to hearing the next instalment.

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