Sperlonga.. the pearl on the sea! ~ Sperlonga.. la perla sul mare!

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Eng. aerial photo source ~ Ita. fonte foto aerea

In the center of Italy, about 100 km south of the capital of Rome,
more exactly at the end of the southern region of Lazio,
perched on a rock spur that rises from the bottom of the sea,
it protects its treasure like an ancient chest of pirates, there is a enchanting village of Sperlonga.

Nel centro Italia, a circa 100 km a sud della capitale Roma, piú esattamente quasi alla fine della regione sud del Lazio, arroccata su uno sperone di roccia che si erge dal fondo del mare, a proteggere come un antico scrigno dei pirati il suo tesoro, si trova l'incantevole borgo di Sperlonga.

Sperlonga has very ancient origins.. in its surrounding territories, have been found traces of human activity dating back to the upper Paleolithic,
40,000 years ago to 10,000 years ago.
And according to Greek mythology, the Spartans,
the brave warriors of antiquity, had founded here a city named Amyclae.
At the time of the ancient Romans,
here there were numerous residential villas, among the most famous, there is that of the emperor Tiberius, which included a modified natural cave and decorated with sculptures of the cycle of the Homeric hero Ulysses.
The villas were also production centers for the fishing industry.

Sperlonga ha origini molto antiche.. nei suoi territori circostanti, sono state ritrovate tracce di attivitá umana risalente al paleolitico superiore,
40 000 anni fa ai 10 000 anni fa.
E secondo la mitologia Greca, gli Spartani i valorosi guerrieri dell'antichitá, avevano fondato propio qui una cittá di nome Amyclae.
All'epoca degli antichi Romani, qui sorgevano numerose ville residenziali,
tra le piú celebri, c'é quella dell'imperatore Tiberio, che includeva una grotta naturale modificata e decorata con sculture del ciclo dell'eroe omerico Ulisse.
Le ville erano inoltre centri di produzione per l'industria della pesca.

The current town was born after the fall of the Roman Empire, with the construction of a castle on a spur of the Aurunci mountains. The city takes its name from the many natural cavities in the area, called '' speluncae '', used as defense and as hiding places for the inhabitants, from the many sea raids of the Saracens ''Turkish piarates'', who raided the city and they kidnapped people to make them slaves.
The most feared among them was Khair Ad-Dìn,
nicknamed the Barbarossa, ''red beard''.
Fortunately I was without my beard and they did not mistake me for him when I arrived! :D

L' attuale cittadina nasce dopo la caduta dell'impero Romano, con la costruzione di un castello su uno sperone dei monti Aurunci. La cittá prende il nome dalle numerose cavità naturali presenti nella zona, dette ''speluncae'', usate a difesa e come nascondigli dagli abitanti, dalle tante incursioni via mare dei Saraceni ''piarati turchi", che facevano razzie distruggevano la cittá e rapivano persone per farne degli schiavi.
Il piú temuto tra essi fu, Khair Ad-Dìn, sopranominato il Barbarossa.
Per fortuna ero senza la mia barba e non mi hanno
scambiato per lui al mio arrivo ! :D

And today after having faced numerous battles throughout history, destruction and looting, from a simple fishing town, Sperlonga has become a beautiful tourist town, quiet, organized,
elected among the 20 most beautiful villages in Italy,
thanks to its strategic position, its characteristic alleys and the transparencies of its sea.
I was born a few kilometers from this city, 30-40 km, and very often, when I needed a quiet place to reflect, I took my bike and went here to Sperlonga, to admire the sea and dream of my next adventures.

Ed oggi dopo aver affrontato numerose battaglie nel corso della storia, distruzioni e saccheggi, da semplice cittá di pescatori, Sperlonga é diventata una bellissima cittadina turistica, tranquilla, organizzata, eletta tra i 20 borghi piú belli d' Italia, grazie alla sua posizione strategica, ai suoi vicoletti caratteristici e alle trasparenze del suo mare.
Io sono nato a pochi chilometri da questa cittá, 30-40 km, e molto spesso, quando avevo bisogno di un luogo tranquillo per riflette, prendevo la mia moto e andavo qui a Sperlonga, ad ammirare il mare e sognare le mie prossime avventure.

Italy is so full of wonderful places that I will never get tired of praising..
There is not only Rome, Florence, Venice.. with certainty beautiful cities!!
But there are these charming little villages, where they can bring genuine food, hospitable people, and a poem that you can hardly find in the big cities.

L'Italia é cosí ricca di posti meravigliosi che io
non mi stancheró mai di elogiare..
Non c'é solo Roma, Firenze, Venezia.. con certezza bellissime cittá!!
Ma ci sono questi piccoli borghi incantevoli, dove si puó travare cibo genuino, persone ospitali, ed una poesia che difficilmente troverai nelle grandi cittá.

Eng. a really sea-wolf.. ~ Ita. un vero lupo di mare..

Now it's time to choose the best place to watch the sunset..
even if on the other side there is a vain moon
that also wants my attention..
today I will not disappoint anyone! Steemit's friends.. admire with me..

Ora é giunto il momento di scegliermi il miglior posto
per assistere al tramonto..
anche se dall'altro lato c'é una luna vanitosa
che vuole anche lei la mia attenzione..
oggi non deluderó nessuno ! Amici di steemit.. ammirate insieme a me..

I'm sharing with you the most beautiful photos that I have,
among many of my travels.
I hope you enjoyed my post and my photos and have given you emotion,
as if you were here with me in these beautiful shots.
Let me know in your comments and sends so many votes.
Hugs and see you in the next post!

Sto condividendo con voi le foto piú belle che ho,
tra le tante dei miei viaggi.
Spero che il mio post e le mie foto vi siano piaciute e
vi abbiano tramesso delle emozione, come se voi fosse qui
insieme a me in questi splendidi scatti.
Fatemelo sapere nei vostri commenti e votate in tanti.
Abbracci ci vediamo nei prossimi post!

Eng. all the photos are mine ~ Ita. tutte le foto sono mie


wow man did you really take all those pictures? they are FANTASTIC!! congratulations... haha hey, what is the name of the "luppo di mare"? xD

if you stare at this one its as if the sea moved!

how do you call these? here they are called trinitarias --trinitaries

this image right here is unmatched in many aspects, you should really --really!-- consider making it your entry into a contest :D

Thanks friend !!! Yes, they are all photos taken by me, I posted them on my faceb! Sea-wolf, it is that beautiful dog that has made a selfy with me, and also the surname of the sailors,It was a joke !! :D

The most feared among them was Khair Ad-Dìn,
nicknamed the Barbarossa, ''red beard''.

Wait, they nicknamed him Barbarossa? LOL that was also the nickname of one of the most important Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, circa the same period of time xD

LoL do not get confused with Federico Barbarossa :D

LOL exactly, or Frederick Redbeard xD

I just mean it is kind of disrespectful, to name a pirate like him LOL

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I already love the place, nice photos man!

Thank you so much !

I think that Italy is a very beautiful country. My wish is to see Napoli, Naples underground... I think that Napoli is fascinating.
Also, Sperlonga looks very interesting. Pictures are beautiful and the post is nicely writen. Definitely, I would like to see this beauty with my own eyes. 😉

Thank you very much ! Yes, as I said in the post in Italy there are wonderful places, not only the famous cities, but also small villages like this! Naples is very fascinating .. art, culture and above all gastronomy..n° 1 in the world believe me! :)

Nelson Mandela : The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

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