✈️Playing In the World Open In Philly 2017 - Travelling Tommorow To Compete For $12,000!

in #travel7 years ago

I make an analysis of my chances for winning as well as my pre-tournament preparation

Trying to stay calm and just get my mind as sharp as possible to play some TOUGH and hard fought chess games. I start playing on Sunday. The 1st prize is $12,000 so it will be VERY competitive. I am on the 3 day schedule which is one of the more difficult schedules for a chess tournament.

Happy 4th Of July!

This is my first time being in historic Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for 4th of July! The tournament schedule has me playing all day on the 4th but I might be a bad boy and skip the last round to celebrate with my wifey!

Wish Me Luck!

Your man,


Follow me @andrewlarson


I played a lot of Chess growing up, but my older brother always beat me everytime we played, he's a mechanical engineer, very smart.

It's a fun game but can be very hard when playing against experts and masters. I've lost games where I'm not even sure I made a mistake! I will make posts about my world open 2017 journey here on steemit so follow along :)

When I was about 10 I used to go to Rossolimo's chess studio in the Village in NYC. He was a grandmaster and would play about 20 people at a time. This is 65 years ago! Long story short, my proudest moment was when I played him all the way to the end game. Of course, I lost!

Wow! Rossolimo that is amazing! The only GM I've played over the board is maurice ashley and nick de firmian. Making it to the endgame is a great accomplishment. I was crushed in under 30 moves.

Good luck, if you have time have us updated.

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