An adventure to the Pozos de San Pedro, Táchira Venezuela | Pozo Azul ❤

in #travel5 years ago
Our planet earth, a huge home for so many, full of magical corners, as is the case of San Pedro del Río in Táchira state Venezuela, this state has a large amount of water effluents; and within these wonders this blue well, a beautiful place, full of greens and blues that relax the view, a refreshing and crystalline water surrounded by a system of rocks that makes it look spectacular, small waterfalls and different wells can be seen in the road, and whoever you decide to bathe will be your decision.

The exact location of this paradise is between Cerro Morrachón and Los Palmares, a very real area of ​​this state, and those who fear cold water there is a surprise, a spectacular hot spring, definitely nature is better than a spa It is unique, wonderful and we must be participants in its care. Blue well has some landscapes that leave you with the open mouth the truth, enjoy the journey very much (although right now I tell you something), the place has 40 wells some with up to 3 meters deep, so it is good that they go with guides or with someone who knows the area, they use this area a lot for hiking and some adventure sports such as abseiling, getting there is not that complicated but they are trails that someone should know very well.

First you get to the main town that is San Pedro del Rio, it is very beautiful and picturesque, with colonial houses and very friendly people, I think probably many can guide you to this place called blue well, although there are more specialized tour guides that go with enough people and perform different activities in the place, I ventured with some friends who had already gone a couple of times before.

When you start to go through the trails you feel a little fear because some have a lot of vegetation that even covers you (I'm short), but little by little you walk and go down more and discover this wonderful place full of blue wells as the name says, I really wanted to throw myself to everyone when I arrived, they have an indescribable beauty unless you are in that place you would understand, the place has the power to relax infinitely, with an incredible energy and full of peace.

Leave the area you visit clean

I think this is paramount so that this natural and tourist site remains as it is, there is nothing more unpleasant than going to a place and getting trash, food, etc. Culture plays a key role here and to bring awareness of protection and care to the environment is essential so that natural sites can continue to be visited by many more people. Here many people go weekly and I must say that it was quite clean, I liked it and I would like it to always be maintained in this way; besides that we must protect the effluent of water so that we can always give ourselves a delicious bath when we visit it.

Connect with Nature

That is what is done in this place, besides that you can take your pet, we take the dog of a friend a farmer who loves water, imagine how much I enjoy this walk, jump in all the wells, I am soaked and happy; a real walk that I would like to repeat someday.

Be careful

This was what I wanted to tell you, it turns out that my friends knew the way and the idea was to return for it, but we came up with the fantastic idea of going another way to see where it came and we got lost, we went around for hours, We passed trails at night, finally we came to some farms that showed us the road to the road, we arrived at the town almost at midnight, I had never really scared me so much, it came to my mind all the survival programs I've seen , and I did not like the idea of sleeping wet on a cold mountain in the open, where there were sure to be animals and even bad people, because that area borders a bit with Colombia and it is said that there are guerrillas and paramilitaries, I was really scared, always take the well-known path to us if you go with a guide. Greetings, we read!


These sceneries are gorgeous, Raquel! I'd sure like to swim on those little pieces of paradise! Wow!

Thanks for sharing these lovely photos!

Thank you @trincowski this place is amazing, i really want to go back! And take a better photos, i was distracted and happy so i forget take nice photos.

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