我们来了之美国游记 Part 12--在雨中与尼亚加拉大瀑布亲密接触。United States, here we came! part 12-- Visit the Niagara Falls in the rain.

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Hello, friends of Steemit: today let's share our second day in Toronto, Canada. It's also a big time for us to play in Toronto. We feel Niagara Falls in the rain.

Hello 各位Steemit的朋友们:今天让我们一起来分享在加拿大多伦多的第二天,也是我们在多伦多游玩的重头戏,雨中感受尼亚加拉大瀑布。


Get up in the morning, the sky is still the haze, the rain is small and big, or the body feeling temperature, cold, think of this weather still want to come with great falls a intimate contact, we can put the clothes wear, also set a mistress's winter jacket jacket, wrapped themselves on the road.


Niagara Falls is also literally a ragaco or Niagara Falls, and the Indian language means' thor's water '. Waterfall is located in the north American great lakes of the Niagara river, connecting the lakes Erie and lake Ontario's poetry of the Niagara river, about 350 meters wide island (Goatlsland) into the cliffs, and divided respectively into New York and Ontario, Canada, formed two waterfalls, average flow 5720 cubic meters per second, and boasts one of the seven wonders of the world. With its beautiful scenery, huge hydropower capacity and challenging environmental protection projects, it is a popular tourist attraction.

The car has just moved into the Niagara Falls, far can be heard a huge noise, god is good, when we buy tickets and wheelchair the rain stopped, but see waterfall is to sail close to swim, anyway also will get wet, so give each a raincoat. Interesting from the Canadian side can see across the American boat, presumably to identify, their clothing to distinguish with the color of the raincoat, American tourists in a blue raincoat, Canadian tourists wear pink raincoat, so far down from above is a blue ship, a ship powder.

我们跟着队伍一直走到瀑布最下面的水边,登上了一艘挂着加拿大国旗的游船,在如此宽阔的水面上这条船显得那么渺小,现在看瀑布跟在岸上看完全不一样的感觉,巨大的水流裹挟着巨浪咆哮着冲下断崖,当我们越来越接近瀑布的时候,船体也被冲击得剧烈地摇晃起来,要想站稳在船头都很困难,更别说还想跟瀑布合个影了,简直有一种要被它吞噬的感觉 ……这时候,水雾扑面而来,早已分不清是雨水还是瀑布水,也许船长为了让游客们更加真切地体会瀑布的磅礴壮阔,或者是游览路线特定的设计,我们的船只居然迎着瀑布进去了,虽然只是擦边走了一下,也仿佛是洗了个淋浴,劈头盖脸浇了个透彻,要不是有雨衣估计都得变成落汤鸡了哈哈,太刺激了,船上的人们兴奋不已,不时地欢呼着尖叫着,声浪一阵高过一阵,不过纵使我们再怎么激情澎湃最后都会被无情地淹没在惊涛骇浪的巨大声浪里……游船尽职地绕瀑布一周,带着恋恋不舍的人们上岸了。

We followed team walked to the water's edge on the bottom of the waterfall, boarded a ship Canadian flags hanging boat, on the surface of this wide this boat is so small, now see waterfall with completely different look like in the shore, a huge water carrying huge waves roared down the cliff, when we were getting closer to the waterfall, the ship was badly shaken violently shook, so difficult to stand firm in the bow, let alone a photo also want to talk to falls, can have a feeling to be swallowed up by the it... At that time, water spray, already can't distinguish it is rain or water falls, perhaps the captain to let visitors experience more truly majestic, magnificent waterfalls, or specific tour route design, our ship was against the waterfall in, although just to wipe away, as if also took a shower, swept over a thorough, if it were not for my raincoat estimates have to become a drowned rat ha ha, too stimulating, the boat people excited, from time to time, screaming, cheering voices a a little high, but even if we again how passionate finally will be mercilessly drown in the huge by waves of... The cruise ship dutifully went round the falls and landed with the reluctant people.


Back on the shore, the more reluctant people walked along the walkway beside the waterfall, the majestic water of the eye. Came to a waterfall source you will see a wide stream flow so calm, so slow, like walking while still enjoying the beauty of the surrounding, just when it suddenly came to the cliff edge, was a vindication, quenching as' rapid rise, the formation of a huge gap between the waterfall leaps of water mist like clouds of the sky in photograph reflect with broad white great waves, as if place oneself in the fairyland in general, how strong the audio-visual feast, let the time of solidification, let the world stop, let everything in such a magnificent moment.


wow... grand falls

welcome to Toronto

Thank you very much.

That's awesome that steem park is finally open. I would really like to come see it.


Hah,welcome. come on and have fun.

Very beautiful @amylee

Thanks a lot.






I suppose this is a really cool experience to visit this place! Beautiful pictures.

Thank you. That's true.

That's beautiful photos! I remember how we hadn't to wear the blue rain coasts on the boat! I felt like a little duckling!

Hah,maybe that was a sunny day,they might think you don't need that. But……

Beautiful! This looks like a great place to go!:) Please check my little journey that I made soon. I hope you enjoy my photos. @nakedchef89


OK. I will. Thank you.

Niagara falls in its glory. Great post!

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