Do you like to travel? - contest inside for 20 SBD

in #travel6 years ago


Hello friends of Steems,

Today I thought to start a small competition. What you have to do is still to follow. I can only say that you have to close the comment with the symbol # so that the answer is valid.

I will be out and about for the next 5 days, and will not be able to answer everyone. You should just write what you think.

I like to travel. These pictures are from a trip we made over a weekend. I love the mountains and the water and especially the combination of the two. Are there any people here who think the mountain water is the cleanest and clearest?

Hallo Freunde des Steems,

heute habe ich mir gedacht ein kleines Wettbewerb zu machen. Was ihr machen müsst folgt noch. Ich kann nur sagen das ihr das Kommentar mit der Antwort mit einem # schließen musst damit die Antwort gültig ist.

Ich werde für die nächste 5 Tage unterwegs sein und nur gering online sein und werde wahrscheinlich nicht alle antworten können. Ihr sollt einfach das schrieben was ihr denkt.

Ich mag zu reisen. Diese Bilder sind aus einer Reise die wir in einem Wochenende unternommen haben. Ich leibe die Berge und das Wasser und insbesondere die Kombination aus beiden. Gibt es hier noch Leute die denken das das Gebirgewasser am saubersten und am klarsten ist?


And now to the contest. The total price will be 20 SBD. It will be split if there are several correct answers or answers that I like. Yeah, maybe it sounds unfair, but I do the rules and I think they're fine.

1. You have to tell me where the pictures were taken?
2. In which country did I take the picture and in which country is the mountain the furthest you can see?
3. What bird is the white bird on the water?
4. Is traveling a hobby of yours? Post a photo of your travels in the comment if you find traveling good.
5. Where is your dream goal to travel?

I want us to get to know each other a bit better, that's why I do it.

Good luck!

Und jetzt zu dem Wettbewerb. Das Gesamtpreis wird in Höhe von 20 SBD sein. Es wird aufgeteilt wenn es mehrere richtige Antworte gibt oder Antworte die ich gut finde. Ja, vielleicht klingt es unfair, aber ich mache die Regel und ich denke die sind gut so.

1. Ihr musst mir sagen wo die Bilder gemacht worden sind?
2. In welchem Land habe ich das Foto gemacht und im welchem Land ist das Gebirge das man am weitesten sehen kann?
3. Was für ein Vogel ist das weiße Vogel auf dem Wasser ?
4. Ist Reisen auch ein Hobby von euch? Postet ein Foto von euren Reisen ins Kommentar wenn ihr Reisen gut findet. 5. Wo ist euer Traum Reise Ziel?

Ich möchte das wir uns ein bisschen besser kennen lernen, darum mache ich das.

Viel Glück!




Its beautiful contest I must say, Brings upon a nice opportunity to share experiences with other fella travelers.

  1. All of these pictures were taken at Lake Konigssee.
  2. This was from Germany and the mountain far away is in Austria
  3. The bird is definitely a Mute Swan.
  4. Yes, I have been travelling a lot since a few years and I am making it my top priority right now. Nothing brings me more joy than exploring the nature's hidden beauty.

This is from my recent trek to the Himalayas, It was a point where the clouds moved below our feet. Now I wish I had taken more photos, can't get enough of that view.


Its my dream to visit Norway and camp under the Aurora lights and drink hot chocolate in that chilly weather of norway :)

Where's your dream destination ?

nice pic

The Alpsee is a 1.9 km long lake in Bavaria in the district Ostallgäu. It has a circumference of 4.70 km and belongs to the municipality Schwangau. It is located in the immediate vicinity of the royal castles Hohenschwangau and Neuschwanstein directly at the foot of the mountain Säuling. Two kilometers northwest of the lake lies the city of Füssen, 450 meters further south is the Austrian border. 400 meters north of the Alpsee is the smaller lake Schwansee.
This picture was taken in Germany
The white bird is a swan
I love to travel to Lake Lugano
Traveling is an experience on one's senses, new scenery, new people, new climate, new taste of foods, new sounds.#

You should totally visit Lake Como, it's so so so beautiful, been there last month.

I've been there, Como is beautiful without talking about Italian food! amazing!

These pictures are of the Königssee
Bora Bora#

Neee. Königssee sieht anders aus

The pictures were taken in Germany#
Those birds are swans#
I like to travel to new places, i love new views and landscapes ive never seen before, it refreshes my soul. Unfortunately i havent travelled outside my country yet, my dream. One place i will like to travel to is Bucharest. Ohmy that place is a beauty of scenery
This is a landscape in Abeokuta, Nigeria, Africa.

I live in Bucharest and your wish to visit Bucharest is a big surprise and I ask you why?

Oh you live in Bucharest, that is awesome you see i recently learnt about the outstanding structures in the city that come alive in the night
The Kretzulscu Church Park for example right in the middle of Bucharest a brick-made church called Kretzulesc,

I also learnt about the Romanian Atheneum and this is how it looks during the day:
And night:

And this is how the Kretzulscu Church Park looks in the day
And at night,
Amongst many more...

These are kinds of sights i love, the lightening is overwhelming, i will love to set my eyes on these kind of sights, and have my own photo gallery of such experience.
I learnt so much about Bucharest through a friend here @dragosroua

This was the Spotlight festival. It was cool. Also, when you come to Bucharest, you should visit Cotroceni area: beautiful houses.

Oh dear i have also heard about Cotroceni area, these beauties are not meant for the ears alone believe me, Bucharest contains the most talented architects permit me to say this, Romania i go!😀

@alexvan Thanks for fulfilling your promise! I really do appreciate.

Of course, I raised the total from 20 to 40 and split it between the good answers!

  1. These pictures were taken from Königssee lake in Germany.

  2. The Country is Germany.

  3. The bird is definitely a Swan.

  4. Yes traveling is one of my hobbies, in fact my favorite.

  5. I will like to visit France, Paris to be precised some day.#

Königssee lake



Yes, I love to travel , trek specially.
Mustang, Nepal

I want to travel Switzerland.

  1. Unfortunately we can't pinpoint the exact location. We had a look at your previous posts and noticed that you were in Munich, which reminded us of our 2016 roadtrip that started in Munich, went through Austria and ended up in Italy. We traveled 2.1k km in total in 5 days ;)
  2. Somewhere between Germany, Austria and Italy
  3. There are white swans in the lake
  4. Traveling is a passion, love, hobby and hopefully, very soon a full time job. Fingers crossed . This is one of the pictures from that trip, guess where we took it ? ;)
    honen (1 of 1).jpg
  5. I was always fascinated by the Caribbeans, the nature, culture, FOOD ! And some other enjoyable things ;)

Thanks @alexvan for this amazing contest.

  • The pictures where taken in the 'Izar river' which is located in Tyrol, Austria and Bavaria, Germany.

  • The country in question is Germany/Austria.

  • Germany is the country in which the mountain is the furthest.

  • The name of the white birds on the water are known as 'swans'

  • Travelling isn't a hobby for me because it is a luxury I can't afford right now. But I would like to take it up as a hobby in the future if I become buoyant enough.

  • My dream goal is to travel to the 'Carribbean Island'. I've heard so much about the Island, and it would be a dream come true if I can visit there someday. #

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