Norway Road Trip Stop 8: The most dangerous road in Norway? (Short film) | Adventure Every Day

in #travel7 years ago

How do you get trolls to the top of a mountain? You build a giant ladder.

Title Photo-Trollstigen-min.jpg

The troll ladder

Have you seen this road before? I bet a lot of you have. It's perhaps one of the most photographed roads in the world.

It's name is Trollstigen, which means the troll ladder. Aptly named, given that trolls are everywhere in Norway. Like these rocks, for example. Those are clearly more than just rocks, wouldn't you say?

Think those power lines through the forest are for transmitting electricity? Think again. The main purpose is to keep the trolls in their respective territories.

Just watch the movie the movie Trollhunter if you don't believe me.

Anyways, this ladder for the trolls is located approximately here and looks like this on a map:


Pretty crazy, huh?

Second thoughts

Mom is afraid of heights and "scary" mountain roads.

I knew this before we left on the trip of course, but you can't really avoid it in western Norway, and you have to visit the fjords when you come here, or else you'll think Norway is the most boring place in the world.

So mom gathered up her courage and bravely went forward with me.

She really was being brave to conquer her doubts. I mean, the weather wasn't helping either - rain and clouds so low that you couldn't see more than a few feet/meters ahead as we navigated the heights of the troll ladder. But I was really proud of how she handled it!

You can get a feel for this foggy freefall in the video I put together:

Tragedy strikes

When we finally arrived at the bottom, I saw a perfect opportunity to capture a beautiful shot with my new drone. I launched it and was planning just a quick run up over the waterfall cascading down the mountainside.

Unbeknownst to me, however, our location in the valley and the inclement weather prevented Lil' Sparky from achieving a solid GPS fix. This put the drone into a limited flying mode where it could not rise higher than 100 ft.

What happened next still traumatizes me.

The drone inexplicably took a nose dive as it slowly rotated itself to the left, nearly striking the bank on one side of the waterfall. The sensor seemed to detect the proximity to the ground, as it suddenly stopped and reversed directly backwards...right into the bank on the other side.

I immediately lost signal, and any hope for recovering it went with it, given the inaccessible location.

I felt sick. Lil' Sparky was still a fresh, young drone, barely a couple flight hours into his life. But in the blink of an eye, he was cut down.

The feeling only worsened when I uncovered the flight record stored into my mobile phone that I was steering with. I went through the 57-second clip time after time, and could still not come up with any answers for why the drone behaved the way it did - a lot of it's movements were counter to what I was pressing on the controls.

I'd share the clip with you, commentary and all, but I can't seem to get it to play correctly on my computer.

I filed a complaint with the manufacturer, but of course they concluded it was my fault because the drone didn't have a good GPS fix. I will never accept this verdict as the truth, but what can I do? I'm in a pretty powerless position unfortunately.

The only thing I can hope for is that maybe I can recover the funds for it through Steemit, so that I can keep expanding my stash of gear to create better content. But even that seems like a long shot, given my near complete invisibility to the whales, especially as of late.

So I'll just have to push on without Lil' Sparky, but I promise, I won't let this stop me!

In spite of this disappointment, I still managed to make a compilation video from the whole trip that includes some nice drone shots. So stay tuned!

Want more adventures now? Maybe check out @extremeromance, a hip adventure couple from Latvia who made a splash into Steemit last week!

Adventure Every Day is a travel & exploration channel started in 2016. In addition to the Steemit blog, I post short films of my adventures to the Adventure Every Day YouTube channel. Click the logo below to follow!



Hey i love adventures, love your videos too i followed and upvoted also on youtube. Well done, be well steem on.

Wow thanks a lot man, really appreciate it! :)

I soo want to go to Norway but it is expensive as hell! But one day, I am sure of that :D Great post, the video is great, I guess you use final cut or something like that for editing?

Hey man, if you come while I am here I can show you a good time without breaking the bank. It is expensive, but doesn't necessarily have to be that expensive if you plan ahead and do it right. Either way, let me know when you're coming :)

I use Premiere for editing. Luckily get an Adobe license through work :)

As always, your post is pleasure to read! We feel so sorry for loosing the drone, it's definitely not a good feeling when you loose something that is brand new, but are sure that steemit community will help you to buy new one. :)
Special thanks for mentioning us in your post, people like you are the reason we do it. Stay safe and keep your devices safe too :)

Thanks so much! Yeah, it was a huge bummer but i knew the Steemit community would make me feel better. I will be careful in the future, but i still gotta take some chances so i can create content worth looking at on here haha!

Was glad to mention you, hope you pick up a few followers :)

Good equipment is a key to quality photos and videos. And a mind like yours is a key to make quality posts . :)
We sure do hope to raise amount of followers, but this task is not an easy one :)

Yes it takes some time for sure but you are off to a really good start!

Steem on!

This place looks unreal!

Yeah man for sure it is! There's so many places in Norway you could say that about!

That was a fantastic log of your journey! I thoroughly enjoyed reading through it as well as seeing the pictures!

Thanks a lot man! I've been posting a lot of Norway nature stuff lately and still have a final compilation video to come, so stay tuned! ;-)


Norge 💜

Here's more adventure from 'adventureevryday'! Sorry, I had been away from your posts, catching up now. ;)

Thanks buddy, great to hear from you :)

You're most welcome mate! I love your posts. :)

Indeed it was! Thanks for dropping by and commenting :)

Haha thank you for your condolences! He is missed...

Great article! thanks for sharing

And thank you for reading!

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