Blang Kulam : The Fantastic Waterfall for Locals

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

It was another lovely day to make a short trip to local tourism spot, situated in Blang Kulam, Panton Rayeuk Sa, included as remote area of North Aceh, Indonesia. We went to the location by motorcycle and less 30 minutes, we arrived. After paying the parking fee, we walked down to the waterfall spot. Even it is reachable, I never visited this place and on that day, I was happy for having a chance to come here. People call this place "Air Terjun Rayap" what to say in English, let me try "The Creeping Water Fall" is it match? If not, that is the name of my translation version. Long ago, this place became one of the famous tourism spots in Aceh, and I did remember when I was at the first grade of high school, I visited this place with my friends, due to the conflict that happened in the past, its name remained unknown for a number of years.


Soon we arrived at this spot, we were welcome by the whirring waterfall. At the close look, the water rushed on the wrinkled body of the rock. It tiered and plunged down to swallow of a small-murky pool. I started to get closer, the noise of the cataract increased, creating the instrument of nature by itself. I managed to observe any movement of this natural art that was still growling and rumbling left the collection of foam at the base. It was not as higher as Niagara fall, but for the locals that were the miracle place for their family. I met some local people who were trying to enjoy the leisure time on this spot, bathing, selfieing, and taking a deep swim in the shallow pool. The waterfall itself looked like a fuse through the distinction tread of watery fabric as I walked closer. Leaving me with a wondrous thought, what was the best of this place? the waterfall, forest, the rock, local sellers. Then, I came with a thought that was all about the waterfall.



I met a few people in this place, mostly family men who came to spend their half day vacation with their relatives and the teenagers were bustling themselves with selfie styles. Perhaps, this place is not so attractive for you who ever visited the well-known waterfall somewhere in this earth, but for the locals, this waterfall is the best spot. Many of the visitor wanted to sense the real view of low-level waterfall, that was enough to cast away their hurly-burly day. Indeed, its noise is not as dramatic as the famous waterfall, but it could be able to create the cacophonous sound that echoed from the spout hitting the cavernous hollow of the murky pool. It rushed down from the big rocks, rolling and bubbling in the pool which created the more small waterfall.

One said the beauty lied in the hidden place. That what we knew on our day trip to this waterfall site. We managed to pass the muddy track. We walked down cautiously while avoiding the slicky ground. That was so okay, a beauty was about to be seen ahead. That was the spirit of hiking, I bet you do so. You know, it was not easy to get a fantastic thing without passing the troubles, so it also happened to our walk. We had to proceed to find the amazing sight that was waiting us down there.



The mountain path became slick after rain and that only clue to reach this waterfall. We hiked slowly while observing the jumble wood stood along the path. I was bad luck on a walk because I wore leather sandal that made my feet easy to get slipped. I adjusted my step before gravity took me down to the muddy ground. The path showed a browning color, between the vivid green on either side and we managed to make couple stops when we found bugs, butterflies, were perching on the green leaves and tried to get their shape into the camera lens. Less 20 minutes we hit the place and rushed to capture some natural objects that stretched before our sight.

Click to watch the video to hear the cacophonous sound echoing from the spout hitting the cavernous hollow of the pool



Bereh that droeneuh tgk euh

nice postingan , follow saya @donnyandrian dan mohon bantu upvote saya masih pemula heheh

hindari komentar seperti ini di postingan...

Indonesia is so beautiful. I sometimes watch documentaries on Indonesia and it is so fun to watch.

Jadi pingin kesana bareng kawan-kawan steemian. Semoga acara Steemit of The Year terlaksana sehingga bisa kesana.

Amin. Semoga bisa berkunjung ke sini, terima kasih andrian

Oman that trep ka hana leupah keunan, :D

oman payah tajak keunan lom :D

Untung ada goigle terjemah sebagai alat untuk baca postingan abang ni.hee

Saya masih ingat pertamakali chat abang, tanpa abang mungkin reputasi yang saya miliki sekarang belum sampai pada saat ini, hal ini juga tentunya berkat teman2 lain. Hari itu dimana abang mengarahkan saya ke ketua Barsela. Hee

Akan saya ingat hal itu selalu bang dan Terimakasih. Semoga sehat2 selalu begitu juga dengan keluarga abang.

Sama2...keep steem on!

siap, terimakasih selalu bang.

this spot well known from long time ago, but i never reach this place even once. by the pictures you shared i can see the beauty of this place. thank you brother @abduhawab

yep, you right! Most welcome and thank you

Trep ka hana langkah keunan,,!

jak lom keuno sigo2 @amirjulok

Lokasinya masih belum begitu bersih, krn masi kekurangan anggaran mungkin, semoga saja kedepannya ada perubahan, n berhara bisa ketemppat itu,,,,,,

Sungguh pemandangan alam yang sangat takjub kita dibuatnya, rasanya rugi jika sampai disana kita tak mandi, wkwkwk. Memang pak @abduhawab tak pernah lelah mempersembahkan hal indah untuk kami. Semoga pak abduhawab sehat, sukses dan terimakasih hal indah ini pak.

ya rencan mo mandi, tapi airnya keruh. Hehe...terima kasih @musliwadi

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