Hashish Farms of Chefchaouen

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

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The Story

In Germany, everyone knows about the Hashish from Morocco. A classic trading good from North Africa. Weed Salesmen in Germany even promote their product as “the good Moroccan” to boost their sales.

So I thought to give it a shot and traveled to one of those infamous Hash Farms in Morocco. I visited a Farm a few kilometers away from the Chefchaouen mountains. Chefchaouen is a typical tourist city in the North of the country.
A lot of tourists go there, especially to visit those farms in the mountains. The city is covered in blue paint, which attracts a lot of tourism too. Locals taught me that the blue color keeps the mosquitos away.

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Chefchaouen Hashish Salesman

“Hey, hey! Hashish? Where are you from my friend?” - Weed Guys in Chefchaouen, 2018, always.

I traveled from Fez to Chefchaouen by bus. I took a taxi to the Medina (Old-City), where my hostel was located. On the way to the medina, the taxi driver picked up a guy that was standing on the street. I was a little confused. We continued to drive to the City walls. We arrived at the Medina and I paid the taxi driver. The other guy who joined our taxi ride wanted to “show me the way to my hostel”. I followed him for about 5 minutes. Suddenly he stopped, “showing me the way” at a lonely corner. He reached in his pocket and showed me a massive amount of hashish and weed. I said I don’t smoke at all and walked away. He followed me for a while, and tried to convince me to buy his weed because it's the “best weed on this planet”. After he realized he couldn’t sell anything to me he gave up and left me. On the way to my hostel, minimum 5 other corner guys tried to sling their goods at me. I refused all of them. It’s kind of annoying because they are so intrusive.
After I checked in at my hostel, the volunteers smoked hash with me, and also gave me a little bit for myself, which was super nice.


The process of making Hash & Legality

I booked a Hash tour via the Hostel I stayed at. But you could book these tours everywhere on the streets too. Everybody is offering them to tourists. I felt comfortable going with the guy from the hostel. Abdul is a chill guy so I decided to go with him to his friend's farm.

Early in the morning, we hiked up the mountains to reach his friend's farm. It was a massive farm. I’ve never seen so many marijuana plants in my whole life. Too bad they were all small because they already collected the summer yield.
Abdul and his friend showed us the plantation. After that, we were invited to go into his house where he offered us tea and some joints. We accepted the kind offer and sat down, smoked hash, that was produced by the farm, while enjoying a mint tea.

Thereafter Abdul's friend showed us how they manufacture hash. He left for a minute and came back with a massive bag full of marijuana. They don’t use any kind of machines, only their hands. Basically, he puts the weed in a big filter box which has little holes at the bottom. Then he slaps on this box with two big sticks continuously. The final result is the pollen, which they squeezed together to make it a big hash lump.

Eventually, Abdul's friend told us that all their hash is only for Chefchaouen. They don’t export it to other cities or countries.
Also, it’s illegal to grow weed and produce the hash. Selling of course too. But they said that no one would care.
The farm guy explained to us that he is living his father's legacy. Growing Weed for da people.


My Cannabis situation

Well, I'm not a big Weed smoker anymore. Back in my teenage days, I used to smoke a lot of Weed for quite some time. I started pretty early with smoking. I guess I was around 15 when I slowly started. Pretty much high all the time. In school, at the family dinner table and so on. No one really noticed. Maybe someone did but no one said anything. I stopped smoking every day, simply because I don’t like the effect anymore. The older I get the worse the high was. It felt more depressed than uplifted. So I stopped smoking a shit ton at age 20. Now I smoke occasionally every here and now. But still, I don’t like it that much anymore. I don't really need it. Having a clear vision is like a new high for me.
Afterall I must say, I enjoyed this part of my life. It was very fun.



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