Bajai Body Camp 15.08: Day 428

in #travel-living6 years ago

Bajai Body Camp 15.08: Day 428
Rest Stop/Flix Bus
Wednesday August 8, 2018
Salamanca, Spain
23.43% on the road

The last road sign I saw said ,"Salamanca". We're four hours into the trip. Half way. I was happy to understand what the driver said, "15 minutes," in Spanish. I'm not sleepy. Not hungry. Trying not to be annoyed. These nocturnal bus rides really test me. They test my tolerance of others as well as my own passive aggressive tendencies. My evil streak can still take over at times.


I'm weak because I allow myself to be weak.

Here in Madrid and already checked into the hotel. I'm so impressed I don't know where to start. But then the construction started. So far it's not too noisy. But I should have my tea, shower. Get breakfast, find the route to the meeting spot Friday and of course lunch tomorrow. I may have to top up my metro card. Very glad I learned to ride the underground. I don't have my map anymore, however.

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Despite the early check-in I still wandered around the hood. I haven't spent this much time in this part of Madrid. There are some good resources "up" this way, including a discount store where I scored some €2.00 euro shirts. Of course I had to get a black one, but I got other colors too. I almost scored some cargoes, but they were wack. The search continues.

Grabbed a decent sandwich for the meal of the day, went back to the hotel where sleep took me... and cramps grabbed my legs. Guessing something between dehydration, yesterday's leg work, bus ride and walking.


The rooftop pool area is nice. I can come back to this. I need to decide on a market, grab some staples and check out my new favorite department store to see if they have (exercise) bands. I want some thicker ones. I'd actually like to lounge out here in the sun. It's hot enough... but... chores. Maybe I'll even buy some beer. Portugal got me spoiled for Super Bock stout. Spain loves its yellow beer.

Mas tardes. I'm understanding more Spanish, but not ready to switch the keyboard just yet.

Went out in search of tubes, I found a strap...35k resistance. If I don't find tubes tomorrow I'll get the strap. I can use it. Might be a good addition.

Salad, goat cheese and extra meat and H2O. I might go for a beer this eve, but I need to get the exercise in. I like the room, but it is tiny. I can work around it.

The exercise session was pretty good. Got everything done except abs..even got a set of pike pushups done, off the side of the bed. No shoulder pain. Also... I think I can hold out on getting new tubes... but I can pick up that strap... or two, tomorrow. They won't take up too much space. Yes, wrist work too, but not as much. I feel better doing them in the AM.

Nice bar, but no action. The DJ is scheduled tomorrow and I have to be up and out Friday morning. Had a beer. I'll have to go out and buy my own.

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What to do? Come back here or go somewhere else? Come back here! Friday to Tuesday... then something else for two days, then back to La Alberca. Sounds crazy, but hey. Why over think it. Maybe we meet here after the session.

Anything can happen.


#bustravel has gotten better just in the last year.. especially in Europe. I wonder what eastern Europe is like. I'll find out next month.

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