The Storm - Red/Red (out) - Spy Pen = Q?. Time travel, stargates and the Graeda treaty (Eisenhower)

in #transhumanism6 years ago (edited)

The storm

Thank you to the chans for the focus on the real issues, the attention to detail and for continuing this essential work. Thank you to the chans and to the people who have made sub_reddit boards and youtube channels to share information and wake the 'normies'.

Having been born awake this life has been difficult and work in the areas of vaccine research and autism has resulted in many setbacks. Denied research $ by the NIH, CDC doctor arrested in Kenya when an autism research institute had been funded for our autism protocol: education, wellness center, training program. Computers hacked to oblivion by malware. Bioweapon illness, Lyme Disease. And, tinfoil hat designation.


Where did the tinfoil hat designation come from? I spoke to my best friend yesterday, a former member of the CIA under J. Edgar Hoover. Also, a former assistant AG and still a practicing attorney. He was the youngest ever recruited (at that time) in his last year of law school. He told me the story of the origination of the tinfoil hat story. A man comes into the CIA building and complains of the Ford Foundation using mind control to steel his ideas. After several visits my friend takes some aluminum foil and makes him a tinfoil hat and tells him this will stop it. The man comes back and tells them, it works. True story.

Technology, blood, bloodlines and deals

People tend to think in linear terms, timelines or pyramid style graphics, sometimes as the spider with the central spot being equivalent to the top of the pyramid. The heavy weighted blocks of the pyramid, must get in on the ground floor of a scheme. We see things upside down. What if there is no time as we understand it? But, those who do understand the possibilities have made this awakening process an opportunity to overthrow the old system of government (mind control).

Like name plates on a desk the blocks in the pyramid schemes can be moved. The top of the pyramid is the starting point and when there is a great idea, great new idea, or great old idea re-discovered those with the power, money, connections control the information. They control the money and they use legal means to prevent sharing the information and if this fails they use threats and take action to silence US.

Red/Red (out)

Blood has been used for extracting of adreno chrome from dying babies and children. The Illuminati obtain this through deals, many of these deals have been made at the Mar-a-Lago Red Cross International Ball. This has now been stopped.

Red/Red (out) Sandra Desorgher (You) 01/07/18 (Sun) 14:58:35 4caaed No.257349

Who are these people that are trading in blood, supplying the pharmaceutical companies and the allowing people to be used as guinea pigs?

It is not just people involved:

The Greada treaty signed by Eisenhower allowed the deal made with extra-terrestrials to continue:

How many people are hostage in Secret Space Programs 'SSP'? How many people have been abducted? How many people are suffering in the Deep Underground Military Bases 'DUMB'?

We have a POTUS who is awake and aware. Something is finally being done about the corruption, the illegal use of our military to fight bogus wars and be treated as throw-away humans. The servicemen and women have been used to study PTSD and are the basis of the DSM which has been used to promote the pseudo-science of Psychiatry. Healthy food, healthy lifestyle taken from us as families are torn apart by ridiculous legal practices under corporate America, not constitutional law. This is changing.

Who is Q? Perhaps, what is Q?
Spy pen.jpg

A combination of information which is gathered via instruments and technology (Palantir, Tyler systems and now quantum computing). Brought to us as Q. Questions to help us put the puzzles together. Is there a Q team of humans? Probably. Thank you to the Q team.

Any person capable of expressing emotion is capable of meeting the criteria at some moment in their life of a diagnosed Disorganized Schizophrenic. Once diagnosed your right to purchase, own or bare arms is forbidden. End game to disarm America? This is the time to remain calm. Lawful, peaceful resolution - Constitutional law. 1776 based on the Seneca treaty.

We are the People. We are the Rainbow tribe.

Please take a second to upvote this post if you enjoy my work.

About the author
Sandra is a psychologist, teacher and autism expert who has written individualized diets for thousands of people around the world. Since 1994 she has been giving 'Sara's Diet' consultations for families affected by autism. Understanding how humanity is undergoing enormous changes in response to the environmental stresses of the modern world, she has seen how the immune system is undergoing a transformation in its function, leading to the explosion in chronic health conditions that effect us emotionally and physically.Along with her husband, Max Desorgher, she formed World Community Autism Program, and traveled the world to teach people about the relationship between diet, environment and well-being.

For more information on her autism work, visit her consultation page on the WCAP website: Ascension Earth – Birth of a new Sun. Meet the Ancients The Power of Exile. Autism, a journey to recovery Autism, the Way Forward The Kingmakers

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