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RE: What It Could Mean To Have Artificial Wombs

in #transhumanism8 years ago (edited)

It entails having a stranger take up occupancy inside your body, growing like a tumor before being pushed out of a tiny orifice along with much pain and plenty of gross body fluids spilled everywhere.

Ideas like these is why our society is waging a war on children. From abortion to toxic vaccines, to feeding them meth and other drugs, to dumbing down the education system where children lose their individuality and become mindless drones.

There are real women out there that will tell you that pregnancy is a beautiful experience. Does it get uncomfortable? Yes. Does it get scary? Yeah. Does it hurt like fucking hell? Yes! But the labor is worth it for such and incredible and magical child that is your own flesh and blood. A tiny human with the potential for all the extraordinary lives that Earth provides. All we have to do is nurture that creativity, love that child and teach him how to love and how to survive in this world. And that first bond is formed in the womb. That first connection of love and nurture. Our lives are so much more than scientific processes. There is unseen energy that connects us all, and no energy is stronger than the one between mother and child... due in part to pregnancy.

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