in #transgender6 years ago

old-ugly-tranny-e1489283023836.jpeg Photo courtesy of the daily stormer
I have been assaulted lately everywhere I look with a never ending wave of people claiming to be "transgender" I have seen everything from olympic athletes to construction workers to belly dancers claiming to have transformed themselves into the opposite gender and I must say that in my humble opinion, they are as mixed up as their wardrobe must be, and more confused than the kids in Chicago on fathers day.
There is no such thing as transgender. There are only men or women who have had their outward appearance surgically altered to appear as the opposite sex. It is as simple as that. You are a man, or you are a woman, you were born a boy or a girl, period, and all the plastic surgery in the world is not going to change the chromosomes you were born with. Putting on different clothes and changing your hair doesnt transform your gender. After looking into some of the things going on in the world I am led to believe that so much media attention and television time is given to these individuals as a means of population control and a secondary means of deviding the population amongst itself along another line other than race and politics. Why else would the mainstream media be fixated on such a topic when there are so many other more newsworthy topics? It is as though someone who obviously has a mental condition causing them to think that they are a gender they are not has transformed them into something akin to an icon or a hero because they had the "courage" to announce publicly that they are suffering from a condition that honestly ammounts to nothing more than a state of confusion. To be totally honest we all get confused from time to time, but there is always a couple things that are definite constants in life, One is, Death comes to us all. and the other is, You are a boy or a girl., because there is no such thing as transgender, it is humanly impossible.


The transhumanism agenda goes much deeper than dividing the population. It's about deception, depopulation and removing the female from the birthing process.
This agenda's controllers see a future where robots birth new, customized human life.

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