Transgenderism - Method or Madness?

First of all I must make my personal standpoint as clear as I possibly can, before I begin throwing my 'pennies worth' of ideaology into an already opaque subject.

Within myself I have felt, since as young as I can remember, that I would be more comfortable within a female frame than that of a masculine one. My bonds, friendships, attitudes and play activities were more in tune with that of a girl than a boy, and to be honest still is.
I have had to reconcile these feelings and thoughts only by rationalising them the best way I know how through self-acceptance and understanding, otherwise, I'd be calling myself Amy and not Paul by now.
Now, from my position, I do not believe that one needs to mutilate themselves in order to be who they are on the 'inside'. Having gone through multiple surgeries for a birth condition, the mere thought of putting myself through even more serious procedures is unthinkable, to me. I also believe that any surgery that is of an aesthetically pleasing nature and not about life quality/participation, is absurdity, and a clear lack of self-love of the physical self. To me, vanity based plastic surgery is the equivalent to self-harm. But, this is another subject.

Where I am trying to come from, is a position that empathises with those that feel they are in the wrong body, whilst simultaneously trying to use rational logic to persuade any party involved, to explore alternative options in their own psychology and body image.

However, I must get back to the title of this post. 'Method or Madness?'

I ask myself when observing the levels of media exposure and attitudes towards the empowerment of transgenderism, as to what would the benefits of this would be within our collective, societal realms. Well as far as I can see, it is a method of curing the human condition of its unbridled violence, by walking hand in hand with the hormonal manipulation being delivered on mass, through various means.
This itself is an ingenious concept toward the survival of the human species and of that of our habitat, by "curing" what is directly effecting it.

Yet it is vital to note, that this (and other methods currently being employed by our "overlords") would not be needed or necessary if the human animal could transcend its primitive mind, and exert an adequate amount of mindful equilibrium of the mind, body, and soul.

What is madness, is this whole "snowflake" mindset that is an obvious impairment toward our freedom of speech and opinion. It's one thing to be offensive and verbally violent, and a completely different set of circumstances employing emotionally controlled communication, together with the correct understanding of accurate science.

There is obviously far too much illogical concept creation and implementation acceptance from the collective, lacking the self-control to be able to self-govern. Clearly making it obvious that 'we' as a collective can never acheive a state of harmony with one another. All because 'we' demand our personal ideals be satiated with no regard for the impact this would have on the environment that surrounds us; as opposed to rationally utilising the knowledge that is available to us, so that 'we' are able to exist in self-harmony, leading to harmony with our environment and harmony with each other.

Always to be borne in mind when taking our thoughts from the ethereal of our consciousness and materialising them into the tangible, is the due mindfulness needed in order to synchronise with the constructive development of the sentient races of beings, and the correspondance with the environment such a concept/idea will have. Failure to observe this will result in what we can undoubtedly witness in our past and present dimensional experience.

To summarise, we are co-creators that are very quick to blame the "human condition" for our issues, that can blatantly be solved, instead of taking responsibility for ourselves and our impact in this reality.

Anyway, on a lighter note, enjoy this photo of me in a dress! I know I did.


Goodbye horses!

Hope you're enjoying the resonant frequencies of your personal slice of the observable, material universe.

Until the 27th,


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