why is our steemit visibility so low to the mainstream and why are they not featuring us in this motley fool blog post?

in #transaction-speed7 years ago (edited)

yesterday while I was flipping through my flipboard posts i came across post entitled - ‘Which Cryptocurrencies Have the Fastest Transaction Speeds?’ and was kinda shocked to not see steemit not even mentioned there which brings up multi questions to me but mainly — WHAT IS IT ABOUT STEEMIT THAT THE MARKET DOES’NT TRUST?

you can check out the blog post here — https://www.fool.com/investing/2018/01/14/which-cryptocurrencies-have-the-fastest-transactio.aspx — the writer is @TMFUltraLong (Sean Williams) on twitter, I’m going to drop him a message on twitter (from @philcampbell) to point to this blog post and give him a few things to check out so he can maybe do a correction on his post.

So obviously this got me a little wound that steem was not even mentioned when it’s quite obvious on most days of the week that steem is pushing more transactions (at least from a blockchain perspective) that some of the more well known sites — it appeared from his report that he had used an infographic from howmuch.net rather than some real time data from something that we all know at love like Block’tivity which shows the following today..

Yep that’s right 1,553,205 transactions on the blockchain in the last 24hrs, a little shy of our day record of 1,660,739 transactions compared to the next closest which is ethereum at 1,372,918 transactions with an often overloaded at 100% capacity blockchain with currently 18k of unconfirmed transactions pending — now I’m not trying to blow smoke up the steem blockchain backside but it’s obvious, the stats data does not lie — transactions vs blockchain capacity is here and it’s not breaking a sweat.

maybe we should get @fitzgibbon activated!

If you don’t know @fitzgibbon did a fantastic campaign to promote steemit using a great animated gif to show that very transaction speed, it was very received and did it’s job — a lot was learned from doing it, in fact I think it’s time to do another one, I could easily create one and I’ve used thunderclap in years passed to promote things like kickstarter campaigns but instead of jumping on his bandwagon why not just support the person that has the juice! :)

I suggest that we make another animated graphic or something that references the motley fool article and that we all get behind so that it puts out a tweet and mentions the twitter writer by name (@TMFUltraLong) that way he will get a bunch of responses from over five hundred people and maybe that might push him to update his article or write another one this time taking a look at the steemit blockchain as well in terms of transaction speed for his report — without the solid support of steemit, devs and witnesses steemit would not be the blockchain powerhouse it is today.




It’s only been over a year since this platform was created and that’s they we run into problems and so on and as years go by or even months , this platform will grow into the most known one .

but i think that's our strength, it's up, running, we have been through a lot of hurdles already and now it's about shouting from the rooftops about those and also making people aware that other blockchains are not all happiness and rainbows, ethereum for instance is currently overloaded! :) and we are pushing 1m transactions a day with 0.14% overhead. that's like, AMAZING.

And I am beyond happy to be part of this growing paltform

@fitzgibbon will activate soon!!! @teamhumble I'll be in touch with you in 48 hrs, hope you are willing to be part of the Steem Thunderclap Core team.

you can count on me ;) let's go! :)

Some lack enough understanding to appreciate fast transaction times.

Most people I tell about Steem think it's too good to be true or they think it's a pyramid scheme.
I think sharing good content to Twitter with slick hashtags is effective. I used #facebookdown to share this post. One off topic highly trending tag is acceptable on twitter.

steemit has a more wonderful future despite all the difficulties he faces

Great point, funny how Steem gets overlooked. Guess some people only look at Crypto's in a certain way that influences how they see a Crypto. Keep plugging at it, though and things will change, Steemit is certainly starting to make an impact on websearches, especially in the Crypto sphere.

well from the blog post it appears he just did his report based on an infographic and we know what infographics can be like, just an idea of the cryptosphere as the person that made the graphic -- where as i present HARD FACTS AND DATA! :) - the revolution will not be televised it will be blockchain incentivized!

Keep on doing the good things. You guys are awesome!

Nice points in your post. I been thinking for a few weeks now a way to promote Steemit even more. I remember people have done flyer campaigns and even Facebook ad campaigns but more is needed by everyone or as many people as possible. I also don't think just telling someone about Steemit is enough. Certain products need explanation on how to use it. Even though to most of us Steemit comes naturally and is easy to use. But to most people it's not and it can be over whelming. I am still pondering my thoughts on this but like I said it needs to be explained on how to use and it would catch on even more. Thanks for sharing!

i've got a course on skillshare, udemy, youtube, dtube and over on @teamvideo -- 3hrs of content for content creators (youtubers etc) coming across. it's a bit hectic but it's 3hrs of video that can help, i'm building up to do a lot more audience development this year. .. ;) looks like i might be on the core steem thunderclap team too! :) yay!

Hi @teamhumble, I seen Block’tivity and that is precisely the reason why I think Steem has a great future. Compared to many coins out there that does not even have it's own mainnet, Steem already have a thriving platform and is processing more than a million of transactions each day.

I think a lot of people just regard Steem as a social platform. What they might have missed is that it is also a viable cryptocurrency. So I am definitely a hodler of Steem and hoping to accumulate more along the way.

for sure, if we can address the 'audience-development' side of steem we might just end up being in 'everyday conversations' instead of our niche group of WOKE people who know about it! :)

I think @overkillcoin made a gif for that recently, too.

In regards to why they don't know about the Steem blockchain: marketing!
The others are simply louder, I believe...

yeah that's true. bigger reach, more sustained. understood! :)

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