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RE: Traffic Koans [Day 8]

in #traffic-koans7 years ago

Phwoar!! Proper rage! What a tale. I was gripped, the intimidation stare, the flying foxes, ahhh magic stuff.

The only real road rage incident I have had is one where a woman almost team full on into my car because it was a two lane road which had cars parked all along one side reducing it to a one lane road in parts. The part being a corner, I slowed right down because I knew that people could rush. Sure enough this woman comes hurtling round the corner and if I had been going any faster would have ploughed straight into me.

There were lots of loud and angry words, thankfully my daughter in the back was to young to understand them all :0)


Did you notice my subtle shoutout to you, dude?? Tell me you noticed it! I know you them skulls so I knew I couldn't pass up the opportunity!

It was truly a harrowing encounter! One that I think could pass off as fiction. As badly as I wanted to use the fiction tag, alas this happened in this world on that fateful Saturday night. Not my proudest moment as a person, but as a driver? Hmm... I'll leave you to decide ;)

Ouch... for her! Really though it's a two-way street (I thank you) even if one person is as slow as a tortoise, if the other comes barreling down like a cow in heat, then things are still going to get messy. She was mad because of her carelessness. If only she had the right sense to just admit her fault and apologize.

You know, if I was her, I would be living every day as if it was my last. Our once and future Empress may seem like a kind little girl, but given time and years of holding that grudge, I would think justice would be served. Quickly, cold, and on a silver platter. Yowza! Thanks for sharing that tale, Boomdawg! :D

I saw the 💀 lol!!! I thought it was you depicting your murderous rage!!!

She should be watching her step. Who knows when vengeance will be wrought!!

I was! But then when I inserted the 'B' and 'M' to sandwich the eyes, it just fit perfectly! No wonder your affinity for them!!

Oh, I know when vengeance would be dealt, I'm just not sure what manner it would be! Could be through hanging, could be through torture. Heck, it could even be through kindness!! Aghast!! They have said that you can kill people with that, so yeah...

Kindness eh.... Well well well, perhaps it could be!!

Oh my goodness, I am such a fool. Although I do blame the fact that most of my steeming is done via the smaller screen of my phone. I hadn't noticed that those two white things next to the skull were letters!! It's awesome whilst at the same time entirely my bad for not noticing;!

For all my talk of your daughter being the future ruler of everything you see before you, I always think that she will be a benevolent ruler. After all, she is your progeny, and what are you if not benevolent!

Ha! It's always great to slip a shoutout without detection! Now, knowing it is all the more fun when discussed!

I am very impressed with it. I missed a corker be dreemit before where I literally could not find her in a photo, them I opened it up on my Chromebook and ****boom*** there she was!

Maybe I should bite the bullet and get a laptop!

Hehe, benevolent, perhaps... Perhaps not...

Or you could do well with those things called tablets that they speak of. Really though, I don't know why it is. I tried to pop one into my mouth but I couldn't make it fit! It's either my mouth is too small, or, well, I don't know why!!

My gran was a big fan of those tablets. Towards the end though we couldbt get any sense out of her

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