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RE: Traffic Koans [Day 10]

in #traffic-koans7 years ago

Those are like the Dolmus I wrote about in turkey!! Yikes!

I hate that when you are being forced into position on the road by someone not letting you overtake or anything. I love the explanatory diagrams!


Huh? Didn't I include that here? Hmmm....

Ahhh shoot my foot! I uploaded an old version!!! Ach!! There, I fixed it and included the link to your article. Dang it! I have been waiting for this koan to link it, but accidentally uploaded an older version.

The tactician in me is impressed at their level of coordination, but the driver in me wants to give those drivers a stern talking to. If only their thick hide could appreciate the lesson I would impart.

I wanted to do an animation like you do, but I really have a hard time using Flipaclip, and I was just so angry as I was drawing it hahaha! In its place I used diagrams that would make 10 year olds all over the world blush... in blind rage!!!

I'm sorry it reminded you of your experience, compadre. They were just begging to be included. Thanks for stopping by, dude! Thankfully, in a position that lets people behind you pass without any problems :D

It reminded me of it in a jolly way! :O) It was so long ago I am innured to it.

Hehe, flipaclip is fair hard aint it? It actually makes me quite cheery that people find it so. Otherwise I would have rivals all over the shop for the animations lolsers!

That makes your animation all the more precious! People might think it's easy to replicate, but it's surely not haha!

Yeah!! I have seen two efforts so far and each one made me giggle but not with good giggling lol

Really?? Haha! I wonder if I would stumble upon them haha!

I would link one but it's cruel to laugh

Ah yeah yeah yeah. I totally get it, dude. That's why I didn't ask too, to spare them the embarrassment and all. After all, we are benevolent.

That is surely one of the truer things in life, we are so. To say otherwise , well, it just wouldnt be on!

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