
That is surely one of the truer things in life, we are so. To say otherwise , well, it just wouldnt be on!

I pity those who aren't fortunate enough to feel our magnificence.

That is their misfortune, like the endless worm eating it's tail

WHAT THE!!! You just keep on hitting all my story beats hahaha! The Ouroboros! Remember the cat I told you about a while back? Well, the "big bad" of that series is named.... The Ouroboros Corporation hahahaha!!! Give me a moment while I pick up the pieces of my mind. I fear it had scattered all around after it was blown.

Hehe, I have always loved the ouroboros!! We must be hooked mentally to the same mad pipe!! Fantastic!!!

We've been friends for too long here haha! This is one of the benefits of finishing each other's...


Exactomundo!! People often think it's a solitary act, but really though, getting a friend to help is the way to go!!

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