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RE: Traffic Koans [Day 3]

in #traffic-koans7 years ago

It is tempting to dart out into the other lane and jet by the line that was ahead of you. Blocking the path of would be lane jumpers is definitely one way of handling those who let temptation get the better of them. Some places have genuinely shitty daily traffic, while other places have occasionally horrific accidents. I've seen enough of what "falling asleep at the wheel" and drunk driving can do to know that merging traffic means one of two things: 1) an accident, or 2) construction. Either way, three cars ahead is no better than three cars behind.


Right!? I usually do that, and most of the time people get the hint that they're on the wrong side of things. But, there are times that people are too stubborn and argue that they're completely within their rights to counterflow. There was one time, I stopped a car dead on its tracks. It wouldn't budge, refused to go back to its lane. I didn't fold because of its honking. After a few minutes, traffic cops came to resolve the issue. They let me pass and they gave him a ticket. Suffice to say, we gave each other the middle finger salute as we parted ways.

Some times that's the only right answer. To stop a traffic idiot with an immovable force, erhem, vehicle. lol. You gotta be careful confronting people on the roads, though. Road rage is a very real thing. And, there's lots of crazy people out there on the roads raging.

Haha yeah.. That's what my fiancee keeps scolding reminding me about. Even though I'm confident defending myself in a melee, an umbrella is no match for a loaded gun. So yeah, I really need to learn how to read a room and just admit defeat sometimes..even though I'm on the right side of things.

Unless your umbrella can deflect bullets, I'd say listen to her and don't engage. It's always better to walk a way with your life!

Always important to keep a cool head, after all. Really trying to be more zen about everything, but it's way harder than I thought haha!

Tell me about it! Man! The moment I think I've got zen figured out, bam. Reality sets in. Turtle power!