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RE: Traffic Koans [Day 3]

in #traffic-koans7 years ago

Yup, I'm with @therealpaul, people driving up the closing lane to get further ahead, only to find no one will let them it and they end up much further behind then they would had they just moved over.

As fora personal anecdote. This seems to happen to me every time I go down to Long Island to visit my cousins. You would think I'd learn my lesson, but there is something about a mostly empty lane when traffic is congested that is too tempting to ignore, haha!!


This was actually about people who blatantly counterflow :D I have been tempted by that many times as well, but I have resisted the urge haha! Perhaps the thought of being the cause of clogging is a powerful reminder to not do it haha! It's easy to risk it because the reward is great, but yeah haha!