Worldcoin Part 2: Categorize Eyeballs

in #trading3 years ago

Edward Snowden slams the idea of scanning all human iris to create a world bank of eyeballs database. Here is the part 2 of further implications on giving out your biometric data to corporations.

Iris data
Similar to fingerprints, the human iris is unique to each individual and difficult to replicate. It is more secure to fingerprint because it does not leave out traces.

Iris is your unique identification
It is your biological print created from nature. You were born to have it. You will carry it for your life. Given it out means your identification will be breached and someone can pretend to be you.

Iris is like a private key
Similar idea as the private key of your crypto wallet. Once you leaked your private key, the wallet is no longer safe. Your iris data cannot be shared or given or your identity will be breached.

The idea of a bank of iris
Even corporations claim they will not collect your iris data, they will just like Facebook. They will create a database to use against you. Corporations are built for profits and they will do whatever they can to make profits. The bank of iris can become a surveillance system to pretend you and act against your identification and eventually become you.

Which one is true to you?
If one can pretend to be you with a unique identification. It will be difficult to present which one is the truth. Especially in the world of the digital environment, what makes you who you are? Hackers can prevent you by using your password and your account name. Now corporations have your unique biométricas data to act like you. Who you become blurred and your power is shrinking.

Protect your privacy and identification is difficult
To protect your privacy and identification, you need to be aware of the intention of data collection. Your data is limited and private. Corporations will try their best to ask you to give up your personal data. It is now up to you to learn their intentions and to refuse their “free” services.

In conclusion
Be aware of the future, corporations are eager to have your data for free to build their future. Your future is only controlled if you are aware of their intentions and prevent them breach your personal data.

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