Bitcoin approach $5000 again. Markets at all time highs. Done with travels and market musing again.

in #trading7 years ago

I have been to East Coast (New Jersey and New York City) and Seattle Washington over the last month. Too much driving but Tailgated at Giants Stadium, Visited the Original Star Bucks on Seattle's Warf, Watched Old Faithful Gesyer in Yellowstone Park, and Took Pictures of Mount Rushmore. My highlight was hugging all 5 daughters in a month, as they spread their wings across America. Good to be home and musing again.


  1. E-currencies vs US Dollar: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Steem, Litecoin. Bitcoin approaching $5000/Coin again. Draghi and ECB admit having limited power to regulate Bitcoin and other cryptos. Jamie Dimon at Chase, Morgan Stanley, Russia and China are figuring that out too.

  2. Volatility Remains Low: VIX <11, Market hit all time hits in Dow, SPX, RUT and QQQ. This could be the Tax Reform Buy the Rumor rally. How high can it go?

  3. Cherry Picks Newsletter:
    The Tastytrade Research guys are at it again with excellent ideas. Every Tuesday, these Quants post their ideas for the week. Check them out on or perhaps signup for their newsletter. If this blog sounds like gibberish, watch "Where do I start 101" free education series on Tastytrade.

  4. Trump Trades -
    Trump signs executive order allow Cross State Border Medical Insurance selling. This could be hugh in terms of cost containment.
    Trump Care Passes House, Senate Failed… Long Insurance, Short Hospitals and Pharma
    Syria Cruise Missiles and ISIS MOAB - Long TKN and GD
    Daily Tweets - Twitter Covered Calls and/or Wheel of Fortune
    Media Attacks - Long NY Times, CNN, MSNBC, SNL….
    Budget Framework - Long Defense,
    Private Prisons Increase - Long CXW, GEO
    Tax Reform - Lower Business Taxes, Eliminate AMT, Tax Amnesty for Overseas Profits
    Repeal Fiduciary Rules & Dodd Frank - Long Banks
    Regulation Freeze - 1) For each new regulation, two must be eliminated. 2) Costs impact must be neutral..
    Federal Hiring Freeze ( hire 1 if replaces 3 or 4 folks)..
    Stopping Trade agreements - Short farmers, Nafta renegotiation
    Real Estate - Long BX

  5. TRADE Log: VIX < 11 Low Volatility Trades

  1. Long GOLD, TLT, BITCOIN..
  2. VIX, UVXY and SVXY Volatility Plays
  3. Calendars and Diagonals RUT, SPX, Fang stocks

Video: Doc Severson - Theotrade: Q3 Bank Earnings Start This Week - News Already Baked In?


Hi, thx for following.
Just wanted to leave you a follow and upvote as well
Keep posting :)

bitfixer, My mentor and I have a weekly meetup in Indianapolis, Indiana. We use theisweekly musing for market and trading ideas. Look for my next posting in the next 24 hurs. Case Studies for this week are Earning Trades and Adjustment for Broken Wing Butterflies.

Sure, I will. Thx for updating

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

thanks for the upvote

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