Trading like a boss

in #trading7 years ago

Trading like a boss

My time with trading up unto this point as been a basket of random picks – luckily in a bull market. In any market except the current one, I feel I would be rekt instantly.

I owe it to myself (someone who is involved with cryptoecon) to practice trading at least a bit. I have bags that I will HODL no matter what. I don't plan to touch my bags until way down the line, as I consider them early investments. Until that day, I've dedicated a small portion of my bags to practice trading.

I'd like to look at trading as a game, as well as a huge learning opportunity. Even if I lose my bitcoin, I will gain knowledge that can positively reflect in the future.

I don't know if I will ever be what one would consider a high-powered trader. I like making specific and careful movements. Ones I am confident of.

My first step to setting up a portfolio is solid diversity. None of my actions now are concerned with short term profit, but long term stability and growth. This way I can maintain a healthy portfolio and be prepared to make calls when the time comes.

I'm not great at charting, and I am not hyper-focused on the news. However, I do have a strong understanding of the various technologies. This allows me to trade with a healthy balance of chart reading, feeling out the market, and long-term speculation based upon individual coin merit.

Wish me luck, and come back soon to read my progress.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63209.62
ETH 2570.91
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.76