The Beginners Guide To Technical Analysis [For Steemians] – Introduction. [Part #2]

in #trading7 years ago (edited)

How This Course Benefits STEEMIANS!

Want to learn the best time to buy or sell your STEEM, or any other crypocurrency, Forex currency pairs, stocks, commodities or whatever you wish to trade. This free course will show you how to analyse chart data and predict where the market will go. Allowing you to benefit by getting more STEEM by selling at the top and buying back in at the bottom.


Many moons ago, in what feels like another lifetime, I ran a company that trained private investors how to analyse charts and make trading decisions based on well-respected methods that the majority of private and professional traders use every day – which is technical analysis of course. The company grew from humble beginnings into something that to this day I am still proud of. Training was online, easy to access from the specially built website and training portal that I had developed. My company offered a free training course and a paid training course for those that wanted support, guidance and to know even more. The original free course was downloaded several hundred thousand times over its lifetime and the paid course, where they received direct support, training and guidance from me, plus access to a more detailed training, was taken by an extraordinary number of people. Some of those later decided to take one on one sessions with me also. Over time Brokers became interested in my training methods and style and I later trained many private and very wealthy traders who were private clients of brokers.


In 2009 the Global Financial Crisis hit and it changed the financial World in a heartbeat. Many traders and companies suffered greatly, mine included. It seemed as if no one was interested in trading and overnight things changed. When I sold the content of the business to a competitor and closed everything. Despite feeling sad at the time and licking my wounds somewhat. I knew at the time, that in the future there would be a return of interest in trading and there could be new potential in what to trade. I believe that time is now.

One thing I knew I wanted to do was re-write it. The original content was penned in 2003 and a great deal has changed since then. Some of the securities have changed, Financial Spread Betting, was used at the time to act as a tool for people to trade. However, I will be simply focusing on Technical Analysis and the methods, application and results apply to whichever security you are trading, be it; Forex, Stocks or Crypto currencies. The joy of using Technical Analysis, is that it can be applied to any financial data to spot potential price direction. It matters not whether you are trading Forex, Stocks or bananas. If the volume is there and it’s being traded by many, then the rules apply regardless. I like to see it as a means of teaching people how to fish using knowledge that applies to every pond and every fish, but you choose where and what to fish for. OK, perhaps not the best analogy, but we will leave it there.


Here’s what you need to next:

  1. Register for free updates at

  2. Be open and receptive to learning something that can change your life.

  3. If you are reading this on – or YouTube, Facebook, Thinkific or wherever. Please follow, subscribe, like. All this helps me get the word out.

  4. Understand, that I started writing this new free course in October 2017. Depending on when you are reading this, there may be a delay in other modules coming out. Be patient, again, follow me, register at my website above. In the meantime, re-read the modules you do have access to. The other modules will follow.

  5. I also run a witness server, as part of my commitment to this amazing community. I would be very grateful if you could vote for my Witness Server. It costs me a lot of my own hard earned cash each month and my aim is to cover costs at least. You voting for my server will help me achieve that. Go to: and scroll down, enter StuWhisson and click vote.


Other Posts In This Series

Part # 1

Part # 2

Part # 3

Part # 4

Part # 5

Part # 6

Part # 7

Further updates and parts to this course being released Monday to Friday every day.

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