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RE: Splitting cold wallets and trading BitcoinCash + Coinbase has issued an update

in #trading7 years ago

If you start posting tutorials on daytrading like you have been on position trading, then It might be wise to add a disclaimer image at the start of the video which states something about how by daytrading a person will likely lose money if they don't know what they're doing. Then you can share whatever risky information knowing fully that every person who watches the video is responsible for their own decisions to take risks and you did your best to warn them.

I'm saying this to let you know that I'm one person (probably among others) who wants to get into daytrading cryptos but I'd like to do it right, and I trust your experience and value the information you put forward. I hope that when you post daytrading videos, you won't hold back.


I have noticed that the people who are attempting to daytrade in the Slack group (see above) are almost always (1) brand new traders (2) do not have the fundamentals of position trading down yet (3) haven't payed attention to Luc's content or might have poor comprehension skills. They tend to be here for the gamble, the thrill of the experience, but they are taking great risks without the firm logic to back it up. I know this won't be popular, but perhaps Luc would be best to not discuss his day trading philosophies until his community has caught up with the basics of position trading. Personally this suggestion hurts me because I have the fundamentals of position trading down pat, but I know that the needs of the community outweighs my own needs. With that said, we cannot stop someone from taking risks, it's their life and they have the power of choice - so maybe my suggestion to tone down the more risky day trading content is pointless. I see both sides of this coin so to speak.

@tizzle - thanks, i think you just helped me a lot. Position trading it is until i get the fundamentals down and then some.

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