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RE: Why Are We Still In A Bear Market!? Let Me Tell You Why...

in #trading5 years ago

Well, I know one Crypto that pays out it’s users... Steem. Not everybody uses their liquid Steem to power up, but there is an incentive to stake and post or curate...

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Yes, it pays users, but the money isn't created out of thin air, the money goes from people that buy STEEM to people that get STEEM through steemit, dtube, dsound, etc... the amount of people buying STEEM atm isn't very high, while the people powering down, spamming the blockchain, etc... is very high, all the STEEM that those people get is being dumped in the market... The staking system is good to make the price not drop fast, but in the end if there is more STEEM being dumped on the market then it is being bought out of the market the price drops... And I see no enterprises buying STEEM to make their own Steem pages, etc... maybe someday they will do this, to get "ads on the blockchain" but that's still very very far in the future

There aren't enough eyeballs on steemit to care about coming here as a business. The marketing cost to reach people scattered all over the world might be fairly low, but in reality who needs to reach the whole world? Not many businesses have the same message to people in the US, Europe, Asia and so forth. They tailor their ad campaigns based on the region they are doing business.

To target market on Steem would be hard as there aren't enough users in any country to care about marketing to them directly.

All of that I feel will change over time, but businesses won't care about this blockchain until there are probably a solid million REAL users. Even then it won't be taken to seriously. At that point I don't think we are going to care about businesses as the price of steem would skyrocket with a million users, but it would be an added boost.

I agree, it will take very long, and probably large businesses won't target STEEM very early, what will drive the price up is STEEM buying to convert to SP... but sooner or later they will come, imo, the golden age of cryptos will really start in 2025, all the good projects I see have roadmaps really picking up and getting adoption by large enterprises in 2025, that' where I aim 2025-2030, by then we will probably have 1 million users easily on Steem, especially since at least 1 more bubble has happened... Which will bring even more users to steem! Let's hope that we make the whole STEEM blockchain better by then! For the next generation of crypto addicts!

I feel we are all in very early, with some that got in on the ground floor being in insanely early. But even right now someone can come in and be a dolphin for around $1500 if they wanted to start with a decent stake. Any dolphin will be sitting pretty if we see 1 million users.

Also completely agree about the value coming from people powering up. It's why I give away delegations to newbies to help get them hooked. Long term they are the most likely people to turn around and invest adding SP to their accounts. We need to keep onboarding new people and helping them grow to a point they can support themselves, but having seen what a great community there is to support now people. Teach them that is how things are done and they will then do the same to future newbies once they can. It's a cycle of support and compassion that can make this place great.

2025-2030 would be great for me, that is when the kids will be starting college and their college years. That is the first time I'd consider taking money out of my steem holdings.

We just need to take care of the spammers and circle jerkers that are abusing the platform and taking out a lot of the money... the 2 main things we can do against these type of people is 1. flag them 2.witnesses need to start voting for better code... the problem is that we got some witnesses that want to vote for bad code because they are either getting paid by whales or getting a lot of profit with the current system! All of this needs to change!! We are in a deep bear market, and this is the best time to build and grow stronger a stronget STEEM!

2025-2030 would be great for me, that is when the kids will be starting college and their college years.

American? In my country each college year is around 1k...

Yes, just outside of Chicago. College here for a state university is $25k+ with book and housing. Want to go to a good private school that can jump REALLY fast and high. Honestly I don't feel college is the best use of most people's time or money, but to many employers still think there is value in learning stupid shit nobody uses in their jobs.

A much better use of time and resources would be skill training. In 2 years of an unpaid internship kids would have more useful real world knowledge to being a useful employee then any 4 year degree can provide. In those 2 year they not only work during the day, but have online classes for things that actually matter to your industry.

It's crazy to strap kids with 100k in debt coming out of school and a majority of the time they don't find a job in the field they got a degree in. But employers want that piece of paper...just stupid.

So true... and by the way, I've been flagged for saying less than that! :-P

You should have asked for "help" when you got flagged for saying this, I'm not the only one saying this, some of the top witnesses say the exact same thing, the system needs to change to make STEEM better!

I was eventually helped... by the @pifc community! :-)
And I didn't need to ask!

You should have, I'm sure FTG and the friendsofgondor would have helped you out... I had friends going away from STEEM and selling all their STEEM because of something similar... if they had asked for help they would still be here, helping grow the blockchain and the ecosystem!
The worst part is that the person that went away actually did tutorials to make the posts better looking! He was helping a lot! But he had some wrong world views which got him flags...

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