in #trading7 years ago (edited)

I am trying to trade STEEM on bittrex, So I just bought  STEEM on bittrex and would like to sell same on the exchange, but it won't let me. Any help, would be appreciated, please. Thank you. 


The problem is that you're trying to sell your Steem ;)

Hahahaa...yes, I'm trying to sell STEEM. I have a goal which I want to achieve before hardfork 19. MY STEEM POWER MUST GROW!

It seems to work for me. For some reason it didnt transfer the order info to the "Limit Sell" order screen it looks like. Have you tried doing it again after a couple minutes. It should work and if not logout and back in and try again

Really? Lucky you, @nicnas! It's not working for me. I tried to set a limit sell order a couple of times before crying out.

Try logging out and back in again

I logged out as you suggested and logged in again. It worked! Thank you. I'm so happy!

OK cool. It is very easy to get frustrated in these type of things. Especially when its time sensitive.

Honestly, I was really getting frustrated after trying 3ice without making any headway. Now I know better. Thanks to you.

haha. Patience makes all the difference. I wish i had more of it. Thank you for the appreciation.

It may be good that it didnt work. It is bouncing right now. It should only go higher over the next 6 hours. I hope at least.

I've set my sell limit already, although at a little margin. That was just what I wanted to do. Hopefully, that will make me some bucks for pizza. Just joking. Lol!

Can you give me a slice in chat?

Sure, I can give you a virtual slize. Lol!

Don't sell your steem. The price of steem is going through the roof over the next few years. Keep it and let it appreciate.

Never mind @jessecurell ! I just bought it with the intention to trade and make some quick profit. I have STEEM POWER. Thanks for the piece of advice. Very much appreciated.

You dont have to explain your self. I have bought and sold many times and thats why i have what i have. I cant afford to buy it with USD so i trade it to make more.

Oh good to know that you trade often! I agree with you that It's quite expensive to buy with USD. I'm tired of buying with USD now. That is why I want to trade back and forth. Hopefully, I will be making some bucks daily to achieve my goal. Sincerely, I appreciate your coming to my aid.

No problem. I like to help. I am glad you figured it out because that is something that needs to go through immediately sometimes.

Yes, very true that there are some things that need to go through immediately. Many thanks!

I dunno what 'limit sale' means.
and I've only sold SteemDollars
but the process should be the same.

clik on price and then clik on bid
I think that means "sell at the going price'
THEN...clik on Sell Steem

Thank you, @everittdmickey! limit sell means that I've set a limit price at which my STEEM will be sold. I really appreciate your assistance. I've been able to place my sell order.

it worked then?
I dunno what all the geek tawlk means..
You'd think they could speak english?
Geeks..what can you say?

Yes, It did work. Thanks! I understand you. The geeks have to be understood by traders, otherwise they may not fare well while trading.

The traders are just another breed of geek.
they have their own dialect...which is (purposely?) different from plain language.
they form their own priesthood...above mere mortal man.

is it giving you some sort of error? what happens when you click "confirm"?

No, but there were no numbers were showing in the dialog box for my sell order. I appreciate @aaronmda. Thanks.

It looks like it didn't carry over the values into the sell screen popup.

ya i see now you all sorted it out already. right on.

Yeah, I'm all sorted out. Thanks so much, mate !

Yes, it didn't carry over the values into the sell screen dialog box. Usually, it would do that, but in this case it didn't before now.

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