📈 STEEM Investor Report 18 May 2017 (Rally Restart!)

in #trading7 years ago

Trading Recommendation:

Buy into rally; rally appears to have restarted; suggested stop loss is $0.90

Investment Recommendation:

BUY, fundamentals appear to have flattened, rally is restarting

Analyst Commentary:

The STEEM price spiked 24.61% verse the USD over the past 24 hours on a strong but lower volume ($5,235,830) as STEEM restarted its rally as the Bitcoin rally stalled and the broader altcoin market surged. I highly suggest stop loses because there is rumblings of blaming crypto for the worldwide ransomware attack which may come with regulatory action. The % vested indicator rose slightly on lower power down activity and increased investment during the price pullback. Active accounts is still rising but the rate of rise has slowed over the last 48 hours. New account creation is still strong. For traders, buy into this rally but maintain a stop loss at all times. On the investor side, I believe we will be going up from here, buy into this rally and then hold on with a generous stop loss (around $0.80).

Payout Recommendation

Due to the SBD premium, I recommend taking your rewards in 50% SBD and using it to buy STEEM in the internal exchange.

Investment Report 20170518.png

Data Credit:



The report published above is based on my assessment of the cryptocurrency market. Investors should consider this report as only a single factor in making their investment decision. All investments involve market risk, including possible loss of principal invested. The author is a cryptocurrency investor and while he seeks to provide honest assessments to the best of his ability may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this report.


Agreed, I just posted an analysis of the daily chart on steem itself. We just formed another bull flag pattern and our now consolidating. As long as we hold the bottom side of the consolidation area I feel good about the price action

I agree with you that the technicals look good.

BUY Crypto, SELL the US toilet paper dollar!

The dollar will begin its 18 year cycle with a 9 year downturn period to the eurocurrencies as it always has done. This will probably be very bullish for precious metals as well.

Check out this post for more on the cycles of weakening US dollar and the current state of the dollar.


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63835.35
ETH 2630.22
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.82