📉STEEM Investor Report 12 May 2017 (Continued Correction)

in #trading7 years ago

Trading Recommendation:

We are currently experiencing a price correction, maintain a stop loss at $0.70

Investment Recommendation:

HOLD or BUY, fundamentals appear to have flattened, watch to see if they turn positive

Analyst Commentary:

The STEEM price fell 2.17% verse the USD over the past 24 hours on strong but even lower volume ($3,314,280) as STEEM is continuing to correct from the significant spike over the past 5 days but maintaining the level between the $0.75 and $0.90 levels. The % vested indicator fell slightly showing that we are not developing an investment trend but maintaining the flat % vested level. Active accounts rose again to a new high since I started tracking the figure in February (12,041). Overall, fundamentals appear to be flat and I will be watching to see if we can start a fundamental uptrend which will trigger a long sustained price rally or resume the decay which was weighing on the STEEM price. For traders, I still advise taking profit with enough of your position to recover your initial capital but maintain the remainder of your position on the market. On the investor side, I am confident in a long term price increase. Buy in for the long term around the $0.70 to $0.75 level.

Payout Recommendation

Due to the SBD premium, I recommend taking your rewards in 50% SBD and using it to buy STEEM in the internal exchange.

Investment Report 20170512.png

Data Credit:



The report published above is based on my assessment of the cryptocurrency market. Investors should consider this report as only a single factor in making their investment decision. All investments involve market risk, including possible loss of principal invested. The author is a cryptocurrency investor and while he seeks to provide honest assessments to the best of his ability may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this report.


useful information.

I think the active account growth is a great indication, but you are right, things could turn around next week.

True but Invest in this project because I believe in it. I just hope I'm not wrong losing time is worst than money. You can make the money back.

Thank you for the insight, this is very helpful information for newbies such as myself!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63350.70
ETH 2595.60
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.85