My Forex Journey #8....Had a Fun Week Trading in Profit and Loss.
How did trade this week up to yesterday when the Forex market closed? I had good profits and some losses. One must be willing to lose a trade in order to continue trade well.
I focus on how I can trade better each time I lose a trade. How else am I going to learn.
As long as I win more than lose trades, I know I will be in profit on a daily, weekly and yearly bases. I do not worry about a few loses because when I place the trade initially I look at my risk and never place more than 2% of my total balance in my account with a broker.
First, I show you my wins this last week.
Now, lost trades to learn from. See below:
I close both of these positions too soon on Friday morning. I had the direction correct but closed too soon because of Friday I knew market prices are volatile and I thought the price would go up and I would be in a loss even more.
Over all I am still in profit with few losses....see below:
Well, traders, keep on learning and trading. We all will become a better trader in Forex market.
Be patient in Trading.
Be Fee Always, All Ways!