My Crypto Journey: Who Am I following to learn?

in #trading6 years ago (edited)

I have been following up to 20 groups of traders for about 3 moths now to learn much as I can.

CryptoBullet is one of the groups that I  have been following.

The main reason I like about this group is because the Steemit link is posted.

Below is what was posted this morning:

Do you agree or disagree with Cryptobullet's opinion on BTC?

   I agree with his or her's projection...probability is high in my opinion that BTC will go down to $9k or even to $8.5k by this Sunday to Monday morning.

Would like to hear you comment to learn together about Bitcoin.



I'm in a bunch of groups on a Chinese APP called Wechat, so many pro's and and really the secret to my ability turn a few bucks into a portfolio that makes my steemit earnings look like pock change.

I never once put in a single fiat penny, all of my crypto came from the roots of Steemit.

Really?! Good to hear your success in trading Cryptos....What is your method of trading, day trading, short term or long term or all three ways? Tell me more or perhaps write a blog about your trading methods in more detail.

Generally speaking I'm a long term holder. I dabble in day trading if I'm bored but I like my hair and don't enjoy biting my nails. lol Daytrading is so stressful for such small gains.

I've written a bunch posts about my trades, long ago. Maybe if one of my coins hits the moon I will write another, I don't like shilling coins. lol

shilling coins.....what is this?

Shilling coins, to shill or a shiller, a person who shills coins is someone who recommends and encourages people to buy certain coins often for their own personal gain.

I understand that's not what you were asking I was just being a little picky sharing my picks.

At the moment I'm not holding more than a about a small handful of different coins/tokens. ATM I'm banking on these long term, like really long term, Dash, Yoyow, BTS, ETH, NEO, Steemit, Poe, and few other randoms.

I do like to get in on pre-ICO's when I get a good lead. Like Electrify, Got a bunch of those from Pre-ico. Hope does me well.

I sold a lot of VEN when it peaked at $8, bought for $2.60. Took a holiday to Philippines with that win.

Looks like you are making good decisions on which cryptos to chose to make profit...glad for u. How much anaylizing or study do you do to find the Pre-ICo's or crypto you think will bring you profit?

As mentioned I'm in a bunch of WeChat groups with pros. Get Wechat on your phone and add me AndrewInDalian and I can invite you to the groups.

You can invite me now since I have Wechat. my wechat ID: Xxid_r696dd6wep442

user name: hanamana

Thanks...I am still learning more everyday. I upvoted since you upvoted this post and the 1st person to comment.

I have a very little knowledge about the crypto currency. Thanks for sharing this with us. I will join the group to know about it.

Never too late to learn more from trading groups...good studying.

Where are you following these groups? Telegram?

yes, Telegram. You can see other groups I am following in the image above.

I only find a Russian language version of CryptoBullet on Telegram - it has the same icon but my Russian is nil

here is the link to the CryptoBullet:

I am following you....saw you indepth post on investing,,,nice work.

Thanks for the link

you are welcome.

Wow! Thanks for the hard work put in. Following 20 group of crypto currencies isn't easy. So big up my dear friend.

I am continually narrowing down the groups to more manageable size and continue follow the groups that are more accurate.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 59737.47
ETH 3186.24
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.43