
That's what I'm using. I also played with image alignment. I might use them on my next posts.

It will definetly make it look much nicer :D

I does make them nicer. I used this kind of style on my personal website/blog so I'm used to it.

you mind sharing with me your webiste/blog link?

It's on my bio. It's the content is similar to what I posted daily here but since there is an incentive here I focus on building a following.

It's quite a small niche but I'll just start from here. So far Steem has been good investment for me. I think I almost double my investment here.

thx for link

I've noticed that you have quite a number active followers. doing good job so far :)

Yes I do have some active followers. Thanks

I don't really pay attention to the # of follower. I prefer active engaging comments though.

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