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RE: Turn $10K into $1 Million Cliffsnotes @cryptographic

in #trading7 years ago (edited)

Thanks so much for this! More than anything so that I could read some of the highlights again and thereby learn from myself. 😂 Seriously though, I often benefit from re-reading something I wrote, especially with the passing of time and when it serves to bolster my own outlook. That $300,000 BTC target not being too far fetched is a stretch though. I'm sure I was being a little cheeky with that, as a segway back to the million dollar goal for the portfolio actually being a much more "reasonable" goal. When I started the thread I was absolutely convinced that we were witnessing the early stages of one of the biggest bull markets ever seen, what with the massive inflows of fiat and the first class projects like STEEM, BitShares, et al that were in the offering, and I just couldn't help myself from doing everything I could to share that opinion with others. A once in a lifetime opportunity! And I still do expect it to be worth millions, with an "s", someday. Nice recap (one small correction though, the Monaco chart was actually my last sell of MCO, if I remember correctly), and thanks again for the write up - at the end of the day, the idea is to share knowledge, especially when it's a win-win for everyone! 😎


No problem! I'm very glad and relieved that you enjoyed the post. I would have to agree with you on getting something more out something by re-reading or re-watching it. Often times I pickup on more subtleties when rewatching TV shows and movies that I didn't process the first time around. I reread your comments from your blog multiple times and picked up on many details I had missed out on initially.

MCO chart has been removed and as far as the 300k BTC prediction goes, who knows, plus there have been more aggressive price targets for BTC up to 500k and even a million. If fiat currencies start crashing, it's a possibility.

Thanks again for the read, upvote, and comment! And a big thank you for your generosity and leading me here to steemit. I wish I had found your blog earlier, even a few weeks earlier would have made a huge impact on my portfolio. Hindsights a bitch, but hopefully when I look back on this a couple years from now, getting involved with cryptos and joining steemit will be one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life.

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