Meanwhile, back at the Ranch ...

in #trading7 years ago

Mayhem! Well, maybe not yet, but are you ready? Are you prepared for the negative feedback loop that follows the positive?

First, you should be hedged, to one degree or another, and hopefully you’ve taken some profits too. This has been an exceptional run and will stay at the top of the record books for a long, long time.

Of course, it’s a given that you’re diversified to begin with. And if you have quality crypto that has been under sell pressure for some time now, like BitShares and STEEM, then you’ve got a base combination that gives you both a great hedge against crypto calamity and huge long term appreciation potential at the same time.

You’re good then. Now if you’ve got a little bit of BitUSD, and hopefully SBD, you’re looking even better. You’re in good shape to ride out the storm.

And, if you’re really game, then you’ll put in some “stink bids”. Stink bids are bids way under market, 50% under market in this case. 😎 There are huge swings in panic environments, whipsaws, and the like. It’s possible to get a great fill on a spike lower. I’ll put bids in for BTC between $5,000-$5,300. If I get filled, great, it'll be a nice scalp, and, if not, no skin off my back. I’m also doing the same with SBD, but I’m not playing around there - those are keepers. More STEEM and more BitUSD too. I’m not really looking too far afield, but the strategy can be applied to any of your individual favorites, say, with between 5-10% of your core portfolio, at most. Give it a shot on something you like with an amount you're comfortable with. They say never more than 2% of your portfolio on any one trade, so keeping that in mind, play safe a maybe make a couple of easy bucks.

And then you’re golden!

By the way, don’t let anyone tell you this isn’t the mother of all parabolic moves.


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Actually I am truly confused with current Crypto trends! Specially the way BTC act and I want, but I fear to invest on that graph! Actually I don't know about the chart indicators very well! But it went too high and I hate that speed! So, basically I am bouncing between SBD and STEEM at the moment and BTS is a long term investment for me! BitUSD I didn't try yet and after reading this article I feel I will test it!
Why BTC went that high is a question to me and I didn't get a good reason to solve that puzzle! But SBD and STEEM, I think it's happened due to the weakness of ETH and people needs a powerful Block Chain and STEEM gave them the best choice! So, with confidence I am bouncing between STEEM and SBD! Sometimes I might be wrong! But I have a confidence with STEEM! And BITSHARES, it;s at HOLD position! I won't think about it! I already forget my investment! I will check my wallet after few years from now :D
Thanks for sharing this great analysis post and the great review! Your genius knowledge is really useful and helpful to get a clear idea about what should I do next! Thank you very much for providing this great opportunity!



I fear to invest on that graph!

You've got a winner's intuition!


Review some my analisyis too :

and follow the links in them. It may help you. Happy trading!

There you go mentioned BTS and STEEM.

If you keep doing that, people are going to start pushing the price up and making it harder for me to add to my positions. :)

It seems you really are embracing SBD....did you find out any more or you following a logical hunch? I am receiving my payouts now 50/50...I am curious is that a way to just power up at a greater rate since it now nets about 4 SP for each one or is SBD actually the more valuable token.

Ironic I watched an interview with @ned a month or so ago and he said the SBD might end up going away in time if it is determined it was a failed experiment. I dont think that is the case today.

I'm not exactly sure about the payout specifics. I guess I should be. I've always chosen a 50/50 payout, and it's worked out well for me. After having taking a quick look, it looks like my most recent author awards have paid out about 44% more than SP, so that works out pretty nice. Yesterday it was closer to 43%. A week ago it was closer to 1 to 1, so it looks like we're dynamically creating more SBD now, and seeing it in the rewards. Right now on Poloniex you can buy 5.42 STEEM with 1 SBD, so yeah, 50/50 is a great idea! Hope @ned changes his mind on that because I think SBD is a fantastic idea just like it is.

With regards to @ned, I dont think it was set in stone. I think he felt that perhaps, at some point, SBD would disappear if there wasnt a use for it.

I dont think this is the case with the recent price action of late.

I know we might not get to the bottom of it, but have you heard any reasons for the huge price action in SBD? I know it is speculation but what are some of the theories out there?

I don't think anyone has the answers we Also going 50/50

@cryptographic we are on crazy times now. Yesterday I waited the entire day for 1 of my ETH transactions. I just got it this morning. My other transaction from Openledger-dex is stuck until they finish maintenance with ETH, yesterday ETH was bottlenecked like crazy.

When do you expect this deep could come? This days, week or 10 days?

According to @haejin Bitcoin can go as far as $20,000 or $25,000 before the end of the year. Your thoughts on this?

Regarding your strategy of placing some great orders, I would really like to do this, however, its a bit difficult to upload funds and get them fast on crypto. How do you often put your funds from fiat to crypto?

Thanks for sharing this great strategy you will be doing to keep crypto assets as safe as possible.


Things are crazy on all the exchanges with intermittent outages everywhere. To answer your question about order placement, I would say that you really need to do that with money you already have in crypto, for example, with your ETH proceeds. While not impossible, it's next to impossible to get a stink bid fill at a fiat/crypto gateway, first because they have very wide spreads (which wouldn't really be that much when taken as a percentage of the price discount you'd be getting on a spike lower) and, secondly, and most importantly, it would be very unlikely that you could even catch a spike lower to begin with since they happen so quickly - you'd get a much higher, less extreme price. I've used both Coinbase and Litebit and have no complaints about either (with Coinbase, btw, you'd be able to put a crypto entry bid in on GDAX, I believe - I've never had the opportunity to use it . . .). In so far as $20,000-$25,000 goes, frankly, I don't think there's a very high probability of that happening, at least not for the next couple of years, but anything's possible. And when could we see a panic? Anytime in the near future, I think, and I think the probabilities are good that we'll see it. We've already seen early signs in the last 24 hours of trading.

5000$ for a full Bitcoin would be simply amazing and I´d stack up on it like crazy :) I´m not too sure though whether it´ll really dip that far. I rather think of a correction to like 10k but not more than that. I´ll keep stacking up on Steem and as well BTS though just like you :)

I´ll hodl my BTC during the correction as I just don´t wanna take the risks of missing another run to the moon :P

I do like the idea of yours and it is probably at the best part right now.I did it with stock market for a few days but it was kind of hard to keep up but as for Steem i am indeed getting continuos updates and getting in more information and of course some money in my pocket ;) for future !!
Thanks for the suggestion buddy !

Excellent information, i like your suggestion of stink bids and i surely going to give it a try with SBD's, it will be a win win situation, if i able to grab some at 50% off then it will be great, if not then obviously no loss, thanks for sharing this nice information with us, Stay awesome

Here's to a little luck for all of us! 😈

omg i am now fearing this trend don't know why all of a sudden

Hi @cryptographic, First Off - I'm happy that I landed at this post and read it. This is the very first time I'm reading any of your posts. This week has been very interesting for crypto enthusiasts and you have discussed some good points in your post in this regard:

And if you have quality crypto that has been under sell pressure for some time now, like BitShares and STEEM, then you’ve got a base combination that gives you both a great hedge against crypto calamity and huge long term appreciation potential at the same time.

I slept and the SBD was priced $1, I woke up and it has gone up to $7.5. Holly molly! I did not want to sleep after seeing it at my Smartphone. A lot of Steemians made some good money that day so I also converted my SBDs to BTCs at Bittrex but it's still pending. Bittrex has been facing issues ever since then. The BTC wallet is not even clickable anymore. Same happened with Poloniex and several other exchanges. I hope nobody loses money. I invested in at least 8 coins during this week but it's pity I could not do the same for Bitshares. This coin has been going up recently. Bittrex does not allow buying Bitshares and I don't know why. It's on their list but when you try to buy, the window opens up and it's actually an error message. STEEM has been my favorite ever since I joined Steemit and my love for it never changed.


I had not heard of this coin until I read this post. Coin ranks at #311 at coinmarketcap and is priced $1. Definitely a good investment for its price value at this time. It's going up quickly.


IOTA was priced $0.3 a month ago and it crossed $5 in this week. What's your take on this particular coin? This is another personal favorite.

ADA, XEM, NXT and Dogecoin

What's your take on these coins?

I'm pumped up while doing this comment. Though the comment is bit lengthy and asked several questions in it but I hope you don't mind giving your input on each one of them.

It's pleasure to connecting with you.

Stay awesome and Steem On!

Well, that's a bit. 😐

Without getting into recommendations or turning this into the book it would necessarily have to be, the best thing I can tell you is to read as much as you can about each of the coins you like, starting with their history and technology, and moving on to their place in the modern crypto world. Personally I like ADA, but that's based on my knowledge surrounding the subject. IOTA gets a lot of talk, but I don't know much about it since their technology doesn't interest me, but I could be ignorant. I've owned and traded XEM and NXT, but I'm no longer involved in either, XEM mainly because it doesn't fit my risk/reward criteria, and NXT because of the token chaos between it and ARDOR. BitUSD is a truly pegged USD instrument, but I think it will experience something similar to SBD (due to its same finite character), albeit to a smaller degree.

I'm not aware of those exchange issues with trading SBD. Did you make the trade? And are you in BTC now but unable to send it anywhere? If that's the case you could buy LTC and send it directly to BitShares. You can also do that with DASH, DOGE, EMC and GRC. Once you're on BitShares you can then trade for BTS, BitUSD, STEEM, SBD and many others.

Let us know what you end up doing and how it goes.

I missed the LTC that was priced $3.69 on Dec 9, 2016. Exactly after a year, it's priced $153. So, this is another favorite coin of me but I could not avail the opportunity to invest in it. However, I hope there would be many who invested in it and made millions.

LTC is part of a fairly narrow group of Alts that have had really big gains this year and are currently making all time highs again.

If I had to summarize my trading/investing philosopy, I'd have to say it's selling strength and buying weakness in confirmed prospects (not all of which are my individual picks, but I do hope that mine are with the long term winners).

Bitcoin is unstoppable, it is the decentralized engine, though transactions are public. But untraceable currencies such as Monero are poised to capture a decent part of the market
share. Stay thirsty my friends.

Monero, Litecoin, even ETC perhaps, are set to capture a decent part of the market, if they can adapt and evolve fast enough. I estimate a core group of 25 or so different cryptos, each with its own niche, somewhere down the road. The key challenge for all of us right now is getting on board the ones that will make it, i.e. making very good decisions about the long term prospects for each. The vast majority will go to zero I think. I'm not as bullish as the majority on BTC either. At best I see it as a legacy coin with the bragging rights of being the first and the inspiration for the rest, and I only give it an ultimate market share equal to the proportionate average of the top 25. Based on world broad money supply comparative analysis, my long term value target for Bitcoin is $5,000. As such, it's not only overbought in my opinion, it's also overvalued, and I think we may have already seen the glory days for BTC.

@cryptographic - Some people started love crypto, someone started hate crypto.... Everything happened due to it's high unpredictable nature.... I still don't know what is actually happening here.... Pumping & Dumping makes me crazy & pumping of BTC is a madness....Due to that madness, now I started believe on ALTs.... Sir once you provided us a nice article..... BTS, STEEM, ADA you mentioned there & all makes a nice profit at the moment Sir.... Don't know how you analysis them, but know you analysis them as a genius.... Those analysis are not lucky shots.... Sir, your analysis are excellent & you have the idea of the best entry points to the market Sir.... Nice you decided to share this article too Sir.....

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Lots of experience, hard work, time and effort - hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of "flight time" - is what I've got to credit my skills with, and they still aren't any better than anyone else who has put in the time. Anyone can get up to speed with time and dedication. There's a long steep learning curve, but if you keep with it and always error on the safe side (if you blow up your account, you're done . . . one of the nice things about crypto though is that being such a massive long term bull, that'd be very difficult to do), you'll get there and will always keep getting better. Little by little. 😉

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63635.72
ETH 2597.20
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.91