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RE: Bitcoin to $15k in March, $8.5k by June, then $30+k by Q1/2019?

in #trading6 years ago (edited)

Traxo started a BCT thread about this blog post, and there’s some discussion there about my history of predictions. Note I didn’t know Traxo was going to start that thread.

Unfortunately people lie with inpunity because they get one thing stuck in their head and don’t fact check and so they make allegations which are completely bogus. For example, this allegation is not true, “you have been calling a big drop ever since price went above $2000”.

I was briefly bearish somewhere around that price for a very short period of time because I was concerned about the USDT/Tether solvency (as were other well respected traders such as miscreanity) but I was very bullish from $3000 up to $10k. And there’s many posts on BCT to prove it, including the one where I predicted $7k – $8k and even stated possibly higher then $10,000 and then followed up with the prediction that Bitcoin would stall in the $8000 – $10,000 range and let altcoins run up (before proceeding to $25k) which is about exactly what happened in November, if that user was paying attention. But he decided to put one thing in his mind and believe it is fact when it is not. Afair, we also took profits afair around $7+k and revaluated at that dip to below $4k, then we were bullish again until my December BCT post which Traxo cited.

6‍. there are many more examples…

How about the prediction to buy BCH at $350 predicting it would go to 0.3 BTC or $1500 (and it went to $2500+ (actually I think $3500 on a spike) in a very short period of time after that!).

UPDATE: I decided to respond to a few of the comments over at that BCT thread:

@‍upsidedown75 wrote:

Yeah, he may have some techniques he is using and he may have been right at some point before, which I really do not give much damn about, as long as I am doing my own trade and following trend and making decisions based on what the indicators tell me as well as fundamentals, and I count whatever anyone else says as bullshit, most especially for those predicting what would happen in coming months and years.

Or in summary:

@‍Pursuer wrote:

I feel like he is trying too hard to analyze the market even when it is not possible to analyze it so he succumbs to using conspiracy theories and weird reasoning. and it is always too damn long, where in fact he could have said it in one or two paragraphs.

Perhaps he didn’t read or comprehend the section of the blog which shows the trend of Spreads. And he might be referring to the many times I’ve warned of coming global economic collapse. So analogously he’s asserting that Zimbabwe’s hyperinflation was a fake conspiracy theory.

@‍rickadone wrote:

as for the rise part $30 k in 2019 seems like a very far away target while being very small. if price reaches $15k in march we may see a big breakout and $30k before 2018 ends can even be a small target

I hope he goes long at $15k in March. Another pig ready for slaughter. 😈 😜 😏

Note we will have a bullish reversal stoploss set at $18.7k, just in case we’re wrong and he’s correct.

Yes, no one can be perfect, but a trader should know that assuming things like this and spreading what the future brings is bullshit. Anything can change fundamentally that can rule out all the things he has mentioned,

Essentially he thinks there’s no value or merit in my effort. As if there’s no value whatsoever in analyzing any markets.

IMO his comment exemplifies why “Twitter is fucked.”

but of course, he is after the few upvotes for the SBD he is getting on steemit.

The delusional perspective of a lunch money “investor”[clown]. I have access to 100s of BTC and why would I waste my time for $10. Even at $125 (only because @smooth-a upvoted which I don’t expect him to do again), it’s pittance for me at this time.

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