
This is government's trick, I guess.

I agree with you.

those things should be shifting

Of course education is great, knowledge is beautiful, but I'm just tired of silly state machine.

For the brainwashing .

Capitalism is the real beauty.

Tough guy, you know. 💪

Hard working was great, until central banking system has been build.

seems you love competition

No, I guess FM's means it.

Kobe, is that you?

my nickname was "black mamba"

You know it's a pump fake. 😂

Now he's fluffy mamba.

i'll dunk in ya face

is it working?

I can understand.

People just want quick money, they didn't even think about it.

this is not "everyone's" job

He's hedge fund founder now.

That's true.

you won't know you're quick or not until the end



Not sure. 😩

This is a nice question, just like batman said : "Rich".

Like that? 😂

anyway, i don't have that kinda super power

What kinda super power do you want?

invisible, not physical way

They make you look different.

so you owe them a deep debt of gratitude for these

Is that sarcasm?

그는 참을성이 얻을 시작 합니다. 😂

확실한가요? 😂

hello world

i got my principle

Come on! Don't be shy!

Why don't you join us? 😂

What principle? 👀 😂

FM doesn't want to. 😂

don't leak your own characteristics

Oh I see, that's why you said invisibility is super power.

Dude, you're really something else! 🕶 😂
I can play this all day.

I'm a truth teller. ☺️

Yes, he is! 😛

both of you 😂

yes, that's what i said

Now I get it!

enough you guys

That's wisdom.

Guess who's ass-kisser? 😂

We're lucky enough to have everything we've had.

boomjump is right, you guys should be gratitude

thank to these nuts

So the differential exists?

These nuts.

Bingo! That's demon.

The most terrible thing is ppl don't even know these...

Especially when you face to Google, Facebook or Twitter, etc.

this world should thank these whistle blower

my bad, but invisibility is the real superpower nowadays

PRISON or PRIUS something 😂 just start at p

You mean that "big scale SURVEILLANCE"?

Ew, that's weird!


It's hard to think in normal. 😂

Ha ha, I'll try my best.

Ha ha, 😂

go find your pureness

Holy Snowden!

Serious? 👀

OW, so deep! 🤔

That's why I'm Ancap.

It's 21st, dude!

I'm fed up with cram style education.

When I was a student, I always wonder why my thoughts were different from others

Several years later, I finally understand this is my destiny

And the most important one, dare to be different.

Deep, free and independent thinker.

This is a job that most people can't handle.

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