These five reasons are Apple's first $ 1,000 billion company

in #trade6 years ago

_102828888_58904b6b-6b7e-46e0-a673-7ccd3b77ebb6.jpgApple' is being called the most successful company so far.

It has become the world's first billion billion (one trillion) dollar public company.

But Apple did all this?

Here we will look at five such things with the help of which Apple has achieved this great success.
Steve Jobs - A Brand In Its Own
The identity of Steve Jobs is not just the co-founder of Apple, but is also considered the world's biggest name in the technology world.

He made Apple a part of the revolution in the technology world, whose goal was to bring technology to the hands of ordinary people. Then talk about the iPod or the i-Pad.

But after getting recognized as one of the first formal CEOs of the modern world (chief executive of the company), they themselves became a brand.

Steve Jobs, along with Steve Wozniak, founded Apple Company in the year 1976. Since then, the California-based company was seen as a company that 'created great things'.

In the year 1980, Apple's stock demand rose a lot. It was said that there was such a demand for the share of Ford Company in the year 1956. After that, the demand for the Apple company's stock was justified.

But in 1985, he was dispute with the company's chief executive John Scullie, and due to this dispute he had to leave the company.

However, after 12 years, i.e., in 1997, the Apple company running into a damaged proposal to return to Steve Jobs.

As soon as he returned to the company, he canceled various projects and started a new project called 'Think Distinguish' which means 'Something New Think'.

Under this project Apple started to prepare its new products. It is believed that the morale of the company's employees was revived in a way and Apple quickly returned to profit-taking position.

When Steve Jobs died in 2011, then US President Barack Obama said that the world has 'lost a visionary'.

It was also said that after the Steve Jobs 'Apple Company' would not be left anyway.
Steve Jobs - Obama
Steve Jobs Career- In Pictures
Jobs told the daughter, 'you will not get anything'
IPhone - A Revolution
In the year 2007 the company launched the iPhone. The influence of iPhones on modern mobile communications has remained unmatched and unquestionable.

According to the company, 14 million iPhones were sold in the first year of launch.

Companies such as Nokia and BlackBerry had dominated the market at that time and were considered to be the biggest competitors of iPhones. But soon after the iPhone defeated them.

According to the recent reports , if the world's largest smartphone makers talk about, then South Korea's company Samsung and China's company Huawei are at third place.

But today even the iPhone has a strong demand throughout the world. Apple sold 21.6 million iPhones worldwide last year .

IPhones are the products that allow Apple Company to earn almost 50 percent of its earnings today. In the recent quarter, Apple has earned 56 per cent of its revenue from iPhone sales.

IPhones are the most important for Apple's future and at the moment, their best offer to the market.
Steve Jobs's Job Application Will Be Auctioned
When the first model of the iPhone was lost
Unexpected increase in Apple sales
Apple's service and brand trust
If you talk about Apple's services, these include iTunes or Apple Music, Apple App Store, Icloud and Apple Play.

These are all a great tool for Apple's earnings. Between April and June 2018, there was an increase of 31 percent in revenue from Apple's services.

Experts believe that if Apple is the identity of Apple, then its services, like Apple Music, help to increase brand per-country loyalty.

It is believed that if a customer purchases an iPhone and likes it by using it, then the sales of other products, such as iPad, MacBook and iWatch, increase.

Paul Nelson, managing director of the Brand-Matters Company, who analyzes the market, says, "It is a sample of financial talent that is within the people sitting within the company. That proved to be successful in encouraging consumers to buy the company's hardware. Are. "

He says, "Strong brands have customers who are not interested in the options available in the market, they do not look anywhere else. Apple also has this power, the fact is that Apple has one of the loyal customers Very big part. "

China and development
This story of Apple's success without China will be quite different in the world's largest smartphone market.

Approximately one fourth of Apple's profits comes from China alone.

In addition, Apple produces most of its iPhones in the city of ShenZhen of Southern China.

However, the company saw a huge decline in revenue coming from China between March 2016 and July 2018. But the company has now improved the situation.

Knowledgeable people say Chinese middle class people are now more likely to like iPhones. Being an iPhone in middle-class families of China is considered a sign of status and fame.

So despite tough competition from cheap domestic brands, Apple has improved its position in China rapidly.

Today, Apple as a brand
Forbes looks at the company's financial number and determines its brand value (company value).

According to its list, Apple has confirmed its place as the most valuable brand for the last eight years.
According to this list, Apple's price is $ 182.8 billion this year. Apple's price is almost three times more than the world's largest coca-cola in the world today.

For the people born before the beginning of the millennium, the harder it is to imagine our markets without the Coca-Cola brand, the more difficult it is to imagine a market without the Apple brand for those born in the 21st century.

Many market analysts believe that Apple is not able to do Coca-Cola as a brand capable of working as a brand, that is to be relevant and to be contemporary in the market.

About this, Paul Nelson of Brand-Matters Company says, "Apple has always kept humans in the center of their ecosystem, this is their biggest strength. They developed anything, they tried to keep trying that technique Be friendly and this is the identity of the Apple brand. "
"This is the reason why Apple becomes the first billion billion (one trillion) dollar company that has created many obstacles in front of customers in order to keep customers in their business model. The whole eco-system is Apple . "

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