The Trade Mark of sucessful People

in #trade6 years ago

Successful People always have a meaningful reason to be rich. What is that reason?
The reason is obvious. They want a life of abundance and have the capacity to help others.

Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always Asking, ‘What’s in it for me?’


What is success to you?

I share the Views o Katy Blevins

Success. What is it? Do I have it? Wait... do you have it? Who decides whether or not we are successful?

“The fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect or fame.”

I’m exhausted. Are you exhausted?

How is this definition of success working out for you? Do you feel the same overwhelm, stress and burnout that I do? Men and women alike are cracking under the pressure to perform, professionally and personally. We are desperate for change, frantically hoping for a moment just to catch our breath. We are frustrated by the constant comparisons, the divisive, competitive culture and the constant stress of being what others want us to be.


Have you ever asked yourself this question? When do I get to be me?

“The correct or desired result of an attempt.”

Well, that’s interesting. This definition sounds to me like success looks a little bit different on everyone. What you may choose or desire to attempt (and how you’d like for it to turn out) is probably very different from my own bucket list. Imagine that.

The beauty of life and free choice is that we are gifted with the opportunity to design a life of our own choosing. We can craft whatever we dream, strive for that which inspires us and go about our business and our lives in whatever fashion that suits us best. The freedom of personalized success is both liberating and invigorating. Do you know that you are the master of your own destiny?


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