Ever take photos of Action Figures?

in #toys5 years ago (edited)


Superman Vs Goku.jpg

Toy photography is a fun and therapeutic art-form for a guy like me, and probably for you too, you just might not know that, yet.

We were all kids at one point in time.

Remember how it felt holding a toy in your hands, and making it do whatever your mind thought it should do?
How it was all up to your imagination and creativity for something to occur?

In my world it was Stone Cold VS Droz, or A TV set being the fighting grounds for a street fight between The Rock's flexible rubber self VS Dr. Octopus and Spiderman! It was an amazing time for me.

I would watch WWF RAW IS WAR and in the morning I tuned into Fox to watch Spider-Man and X-Men. And during dinnertime I would watch Terminator 2 with the rents'. Twas BLISS.

Sadly, as I grew older, I grew to let go of those kind of memories and replaced them with horrible ones instead.
With the MCU, DCU, and all the other comic based movies that have graced our screens with all the wonderful flashbacks of the good old days.

I have been inspired in recreating my childhood!!!
Something tells me you would enjoy that too, so if you see a toy you used to enjoy at a store or in a kid's hands, feel free to make it strike a pose and maybe get some dirt in there for dramatic effect! There's a whole following/movement online in regards to this fantastic pursuit of youthfulness in the heart.

I tire of the mundane and cruel adult world. I played along, long enough. Time to play on my terms now.