Farewell To The Funko Claw Machine

in #toys6 years ago (edited)


Way back in 2014, I was lucky enough to acquire one of 3 authentic Funko Claw Machines in the world. It’s traveled around with us to dozens of conventions throughout the states. It’s been to Megacon in Orlando, New York Comic Con in New York (duh), Heroes Con in Charlotte, Wizard Word in Philly, East Coast Comic Con in North Jersey, ACBC in Atlantic City, and even across the country to the bigdog itself, the San Diego Comic Con!!! That ontop of it being a main draw and staple in our shop for the past 5 years when not traveling with me from Con to Con.

Well, after much debate with my business partner, we have decided it was time to move this beauty to a new owner who can give her some new adventures. The main reason is that we could use the space. The Claw sits in an area in the front of the shop along with several arcade games. Arkanoid is coming home with me. It was mine to begin with and I popped it in the shop years back when we needed to fill space. How times have changed.


Then there is the 4 player X-Men game. I love it but that son of a bitch is huge. Our UPS guy works on arcade games as a hobby and is most likely going to purchase that from us. That just leaves the Marvel vs. Capcom 2 cabinet. We are loading it up with one of those jammies that is stocked with 1000 plus games so we will hang onto that one.

In the new found space we will load it with another large bookshelf so we can throw the overflowing problem of trade paperbacks in there. Ontop it’ll create space for several hundred more Funko Pops. That real estate will be better served with product and not the arcades. They served their purpose but we are in the process of a bit of a revamp and this will be the catalyst for us to get cracking and off our asses.


So it looks like we have about 24 hours left for some Funko Claw action in our shop. I hope our friend is excited and does very well with it in its new home. In the many years we’ve had this cool piece with us, it’s had a massive amount of winners on it. I loved seeing the joy it brought when a kid would win a Pop. I won’t miss “Joey Toughguy” punching it and telling me that “It’s Fuckin’ Rigged!” though.

I hope it brings tons of new adventures to the Michigan area as it’s new owner and my friend who just happens to also be a Steemian, picks it up tomorrow. I’ll let her tell about that here though...

Thanks 4 everything Claw!!!




Sup Dork! Enjoy the upvote!!!

Ah, this is a bit sad to hear. I was just bragging about this thing to a local comic shop owner a few days ago, mostly because he kinda rubbed me the wrong way and wouldn't get outta my fucking asshole while I walked around the store browsing stuff.

Really? What did he think you were going to yank something? Lol

Dude, fucking beats me, man. I've bought some things from his shop a few times over the year and he never did that. No idea why he wouldn't fuck off and stop telling me obvious shit. Not sure if I'll go back again after that shit, to be honest.

You need the space you got a buyer already so yea why not.

Exactly. It’s now in its new home and I hope it gets a world of use there. We are going to be restructuring some areas in the coming weeks and this was that catalyst.

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