A New Kind of Toxic

in #toxic7 years ago (edited)

Every time we have a disturbing event such as a mass shooting or a natural disaster we get a lot of couch toxicity. We see people sending prayers, thoughts, leprechauns... and of course changing their profile pictures as if that means something. Surely, there is nothing wrong with an act of pointless compassion but this form of ethical charade is part of the problem we have drowned ourselves in online douchebaggery.

The world has problems. Real problems. Likes, profile picture mods or any other positive thinking act doesn't do shit to change this. These acts serve more like a thought experiment, a make-up that aims to cover up our laziness and apathy. They aim to provide each other with a pointless ethical fulfillment, a self delusion. They are making us the exact opposite of humane. They render human action into a pop-cultural meme that as it gets repeated, it fades into oblivion along with the other bullshit around us.

If anything, this demonstrates how palpable our ethics are and how vulnerable we become when it comes to social trends — no matter how fucked up they are. When we have degraded a profile picture, an act of 2 seconds into a meaningful effort for assisting someone in need (or in pain) then we have redefined the meaning of psychopathy. In every other age of human history this would be similar to a sick joke among friends. To us, it serves more like a hybrid mechanism for attention in order to increase our ethical status while at the same time offering us a good night's sleep. "John is a good guy, look he has added a flag, let me add a like". Yes John, you are a real fucking inspiration for us all.

If this was not enough, these people also have another touch of bullshit in their repertoire. The "positive energy" mantra —as if it means anything other self delusion and misunderstanding about how the real world works. How it is possible to believe that if you are "positive" about something it will somehow manifest itself? What kind of fucked math and statistics have you applied and seen this work in the past?. How would you explain this theory to a starving child in Africa or a mother that has seen her child blown to pieces by a grenade? The positive energy movement has become the very definition of toxic because it has no basis to how the world works. It only applies to close privileged western environments that has more and more douchebags reinforcing its dogma. It is as delusionary and illformed as any other cult preaching.

It often slips our mind how messed up life is for many people on this earth. We lose touch with reality because we stare our screen for so long — everything becomes entertainment with an expiration date. Our reactions to these events have been reduced to a few clicks of a mouse or some paragraphs of text. There is nothing more toxic to the human existence other than the distortion of reality for the sake of personal distinguishment. There is nothing more toxic than rejecting those who see things how they are in an effort to relinquish one's bullshit. Realism is not toxic. Living in a privileged bubble that jerks inside an echo chamber is.


That toxic person in your illustration above...
Let's not forget the psycho bitch scalped a cat and wore it like a hat.
AND wore two shades of purple at the SAME time.
If these two signs, coming together, like that eclipse last month isn't an indicator that the end times are upon us...
Folks, I just don't know what is (shaking head)
RIP Fluffy.

With the rise of social media where everyone craves likes, approval from others via retweets and shares, what do you expect? There is a film on Netflix that tackles this exact issue in a very clever way: https://www.theverge.com/2016/10/24/13379204/black-mirror-season-3-episode-1-nosedive-recap

I think toxic person is a harmful.

no shit

I'd forgot about that aspect of FaceBook.
I don't miss it.

The best thing is to remove r go away from toxic people especially those who refused to change because they can negetively impact your well being...good post from you always...upped and thanks for sharing.

I wonder if this would fall under the category of Subliminal the words I hear when they say Happiness sound like have penis. But then again I am getting older and my hearing is getting older, and those robot voices are strange.

Have penis is a warm gun?

A bit off-topic yet well worth watching. Thank You

Thanks for checking it out. "I only want the positive one"

Living in a bubble is some people's defense mechanism though. What do you think?

until it pops. then it becomes their worst enemy

Things became so crazy, sometimes I'm actually considering to just take the blue pill and just ignore anything, because all the insanity out there affects me negatively.

toxic is nasty

toxic kill people

no cure

@kyriacous I agree with you regarding posting bullshit memes and pray for Texas quotes. But I will say that I have had some experiences in this thing called life and if I did not remain positive I would have been dead or truly mentally unstable. All things are energy for real and I am not talking about airey fairy bullshit, I have had a colorful life not stuck behind a screen on the internet watching life pass you by. I live daily and I may one day share my story which would play out like something out of a big screen movie. But I just wanted to say don't knock it till you know and you won't find a more real Steemitian on this platform for life experiences from the top to the bottom and not just regarding money I'm talking about levels of people that I have dealt with in my journey and I'm still smiling and walking tall. Love n light to you cause it's real maths is the secret but does not have all the answers and do love your post.

So wait.

You want to tell me that repeating bullshit to yourself can get you through something difficult even if you realize that is bullshit? You do realize how fucked up this sounds right?

There is only one path. Life, is fucked up and will remain fucked up. whatever positive thing you get is more like a gift of luck. Cherish it, enjoy it, but for fucks sake, do not believe for a second that this is the how "normal" is.

it isn't just repeating bullshit if you believe that you are connected to all things.

it isn't just bullshit if you get real world results.

we live in a vibrational reality, and you get what you are. like attracts like, so you will always find people like yourself, that is who you will be drawn. those that think different will avoid you, as you avoid them.

remember free will, it is your right to choose your life. if i could convince you, beyond any doubt of this, then i'd have taken your free will. therefor it is up to you to try it.

the world is responding to your thoughts, whether you believe or not.

abraham-hicks is a good source to get a grasp on this. there are literally thousands that have succeeded using what she teaches.

What is normal but a word try 12 years in prison after working in the houses of Parliament never being in trouble in your life and your life get's fucked up for joint enterprise wrong place wrong time. Trust me what you think is normal is far from normal and I don't repeat anything but love when shit hits the fan. I would share my story which is worthy of a great book. Oh and while I was incarcerated invited back to the House of Parliament UK and in the forefront of a report to change the law which came into effect 2012. Honey you ain't lived no disrespect if you did you would overstand the next layer and the magic of life. I refuse to be a victim, to be labelled, negative energy and consensus I guess that's why we are on Steemit to move away from the norm right. When you realize you are the magic you are looking for then everything falls into place maths is the doorway but you are actually the key I talk from experience I am not here to convince you. Most people overstand the magic of life at their last breath. Even when it's fucked up out of that fucked up can bring about some of your greatest moments.

This post reminds me of this meme a lot (might be my favorite one ever).
Sadly people don't ever want to know the truth/reality, especially when it doesn't fit them. If you think more about it, you'll understand that you don't want the truth either... nobody does. I don't as well. And trying to change that in other is pointless.

I totally agree with all that you said, I just think that we are acting the same just on another level. How in the world do we know that those prayers don't help? How can you be sure that positive energy doesn't materialize? I am sure that we all saw some videos where some monk makes fire only using his arms. There are plenty of those and people always call bullshit on those videos. But why? Isn't that ignorant as well? I am not much of a religious person myself I believe, but I always keep all the possibilities open. Have you ever thought that all those mantras might be real?

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