There is never a trip that needs such an opening從來沒有壹場旅行需要這樣的開場

in #tourist7 years ago

Never need such a journey of the opening, because familiar with Rachel friends, all know about, are not familiar with can be familiar with from this moment start slowly, most of this trip, this is the case, a sister paper, that is Rachel himself, carrying a camera, self timer lever, three foot (although more because when the weight into furnishings and just take it to travel) stop and go on the road; in some cases, Rachel with Ma, from the beginning of 2013, every year at least with a travel MA (well, almost is that, in some cases, frequency) is Rachel and the fixed tour pal Boone, the 2013 Malaysia Langkawi island hopping know Taiwan friends, because like-minded interests and adaptable personality and meet again and again walk together, but no matter what kind of situation, about the number of There will not be more than 3 people, so there is no need to set up such a field alone.

Never need such a journey opening, a six people travel, a composed of five girl and a man's a Smecta team, can imagine jiliwala infinite joy and excitement of travel, starting from about the first day of the collection, the tone will be very WeChat information busy stop and think, the story will be accompanied by a stroke of the deep and gradual.

Male pig: an old friend, Boone, hard-working, have infinite patience & human self bar navigation the little prince

The whole navigation is not in the photo, but also need to continue to answer the 5 sister paper the various possible problems, such as how to go to where, where to take the subway, subway map to see, the same problem may be the same time different sister paper regards several times, but you all can get the answer ~ if you hear "Boone work" such words, it expressed the need to jump the working state, open and self portrait photographer meat bar model, full navigator and self timer pole working mode seamless ~ of course, as the only male pig, sometimes also need the best guest actors, most tired Lucky Guy~



男豬腳:壹枚 老朋友阿Boone,任勞任怨,有無限耐心的導航小王子&人肉自拍桿

全程不是在導航就是在拍照,還需要不斷回答5個妹紙可能的各種問題,比如到哪裏該如何走,到哪裏怎麽搭乘地鐵,地鐵線路圖如何看等等,同壹個問題可能會被同壹時期的不同妹紙問好幾遍,然而妳統統都可以得到答案~而如果妳聽到“阿Boone,工作了”這樣的話語,那表示,需要跳轉工作狀態,人像攝影師兼人肉自拍桿模式開啟,全程導航儀與自拍桿工作模式無縫銜接~當然,作為唯壹男豬腳,壹些時候也需要客串最佳群眾演員,最累的Lucky Guy~


Xiao Da: Rachel never met but already familiar with online friends, was originally Daocheng Aden trip sponsor, later trip to Daocheng suspended the first time South Korea also abducted from Taiwan and Taiwan hair eyes adorable sister paper, a senior tour pal, as the name of a capable access, eat a soft spot, and can eat with the perfect combination of shopping, so let a look what time, it did not want to eat what South Korea become delicious, the main planners of the trip.


Yuanyuan: twenty years bestie members, senior reporter of a large domestic media editor, a strong sense of crisis in the financial Master bestie group, one of the show on behalf of Rachel very proud, positive response activities, has been fooled to write you this travelogue, your senior reporter / blockbuster failed, has been pondering over so we are not so busy together to run a WeChat public number, in case of a Wanghong it failed, has been looking forward to the trip to open a class of financial results did not have the time.


Sasha: twenty years bestie members, a large enterprise senior white-collar, baby her mother, and annual pay for the family, and her mother lived in one house with peace is very harmonious, Lin before boarding the plane did not forget to buy gifts for the good Chinese father-in-law mother-in-law daughter-in-law, is hot eyes under the "Buddha" in the life of a living example, calmly, calm and peaceful life attitude, fierce Shanghai rare a stream.


JUAN: twenty years bestie group members have foreign now a large enterprise senior white-collar workers, the first half of the first half of the domestic foreign hedonism, adhering as long as the money to spend on yourself that properly is also a kind of savings, from the exquisite cuisine began cooking their own life, the makeup was determined not to take pictures, there are stringent requirements on the group photo, trust only male guests one level camera, let Rachel too much to handle? By the way, because of the full copyright and interpretation of the portrait, a picture is vacant here, and there will be a lot of blurred pictures in the future.


Rachel: twenty years bestie stroke group members, sponsors, planner, contact person, certainly have a shot very comfortable. That is, when to build a good bridge, set up efficient team, captain of the function in determining where you are every day after the end of the basic, daily said the most is "Yuanyuan?" "What about Sasha?" "What about JUAN?" I am afraid that those who are like me have two eyes and a black person who are lost at the intersection and lost at the subway station. They suddenly feel that they are comfortable and comfortable to follow after walking without a brain, and I can hardly worry about where to go and what to eat next.


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