A nightmare called tournaments: Highlighted moments in a GIF version

in #tos6 years ago (edited)

 Hey all

I'm sorry that I didn't post anything in past days. I was kinda resting to restore my body hehee~ It's just the frustration and tiredness after my Aerobics tournaments.

Oh yeah, I didn't tell you about that. I wanted to write this post earlier but oh well, I'll tell you now.


To tell you the truth, this is one of the worst games I ever participated. It was really humiliating, I don't know about the others but for me. But on the other hand, it was hilarious. When I think about it, the whole thing felt like a dream. But no worries, life doesn't always give us what we want, we have to suck it up and warm up for the next round. 

How am I going to explain my story? Video mode is the best way but I can't post any cuz my teammates are in it. It's hard to explain with just words so I'm gonna connect the scenes with a little help of GIPHY. Please bear with me guys.

The first thing is we started to practice for real is just five days before the tournament. We thought it's still far away but the coach suddenly asked ''Are you competing or not? We only have a few days.''  And we were all dumbfounded.



Then we decided not to participate it because we would be a joke without practising. But our teacher-in-charge said to face the challenge and see if the luck is on our side.

The second thing is I was injured for the first time in my life. When we doing our trio, I had to do one move for like hundred times continuously connecting a skill cuz one has a back problem and the other one isn't so good at it. At some point, I felt my leg kinda pop at the hip joint and it became locked. But I forgot about it, thinking it was nothing.

But the pain hit me right back at the next day practices. I felt numbness in my leg and I couldn't even do a sidekick. Coach told me to rest a bit and after that. In the next day, my friends checked me after every time I did a hard thing. I felt like a celebrity.


Then I spend the day before tournaments rubbing gel on my leg and wondering what did happen to me. I never felt anything like that. I rolled up on bed turning my leg in different ways to make it normal. I was so worried.


Then the finally it came. We dressed up early in the morning but our events didn't start till noon. We were sweaty and tired. If there was a bed I could have slept. 

Then the time finally came. Like every time, we were super scared and nervous.


The first event was the group one. I was kinda slowed in the beginning because my leg hurt and it affected my spirit. My skills wasn't as sharp as usual. But all I could do in that time was put a fake smile and jump around.

Here is the epic moment. At the end of the schedule, we were supposed to do a lift. One member throws other member and the remaining three of us were supposed to catch her and flip her so she stands on the ground. It makes no sense, right? So I drew a sketch. You better understand the concept now, because I worked hard to create it...XD

According to the sketch, we were supposed to flip the flyer (the one who's flying) back to standing position. But when we did it on the court, the flyer was stuck on the top of us. We were able to return her to ground after a few long embarrassing minutes.

As I was thinking about why won't the floor open and swallow us all, one of my teammates collapsed. She was at the end of the raw. Then came the comical scene. Second head turned, then the third head turned, then the fourth head turned, and then the fifth head turned. We all looked at her according to order that we were standing. It was like a dance move. We couldn't stop laughing after we watched the video. It's perfect than the rest of our performance lol.


source ( lol, just like that. I'm glad that I found it)

Seeing our heads turned to her side, she raised her head. I was expecting a pained faced but she looked at me with a question. ''Aren't we doing this?'' Then it hit me. She was in the finishing stance! Then I was like ''Idiot, our music is over. Haven't we embarrassed ourselves enough? Let's retrieve quickly.''

Then we bowed and vanished from the court. Good thing that our coach wasn't there. The judges clearly weren't  happy with us. 


When we returned to our friends, they were re-watching our schedule and holding their stomachs.

source (If they see this, I'm done for XP)

 And the 'posing girl' kept complaining that she didn't know we cancelled the last move. I told her that she needs to have more common sense.

Then we had to do the trio. I was the flyer in that one and I had to do something like that with the help of the other two.

source ( This is the best one I could find)

After they flipped me, I lost my cool. I felt like I was on Mars. 


And I forgot my positions and did whatever came to my mind.

source (I'm Ned Flanders)

Unfortunately, this time our coach was watching the whole incident. He's going to roast me and eat me alive in this Thursday. 

Then I did my individual event. It was a bit satisfying than the other two but I forgot my smile. 

We knew we couldn't have any hope so we were glad the nightmare was over.


But then our trio number was announced as the 4th place. That's a relief. We decided practice harder for that one because we can't face any more situations like this.

Everyone lived happily ever after. THE END

Oh no, it's not the end. I have to face the coach this Thursday!!! I have prepared for the worst. But still, I'm scared. ToT

Now you might ask me, now what? It's time get serious. I'm going to practice harder through sweat and tears and push my limits. I've had enough with others sarcastic words and fed up with cheeky grins. I will try and try till I reach my goals. I'm going to make a promise to myself. I WILL DO IT!!!

Thanks for going through all of my trash writing. I know it's boring as hell. And I used an unforgivable amount of gifs. I hope you don't have a headache. Please have mercy on me -_-;

Thanks for reading...Until we meet again<3


I'm happy to hear your report on the tournament! I'm sorry to hear about your leg popping out but I hope it's better now. Sounds like you did your best and even though it wasn't perfect, you all made the best of it and even had that funny moment! :)

It still locks when I raised it high but it's pretty much alright now. I'm amazed at how you can find positivity, even in my situations and bad posts. Thanks for reminding me that I've things be happy about even in that awful moment. I really appreciate your lovely comments. They give me light and energy :)

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I thought it was a positive article.

Life isn't always filled with happy moments Yasu-san...

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