Tortured: “When Good Soldiers Do Bad Things” versus “Murder-For-Profit Club” Coined by NSA Whistle Blower Karen Melton-Stewart

in #torture5 years ago

The following excerpt of my article was first published in my column at Investigative Science and Tech Journalist Ramola D’s media site at

The article can be read in full here:

It can also be read at:

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Tortured: “When Good Soldiers Do Bad Things” versus “Murder-For-Profit Club” Coined by NSA Whistle Blower Karen Melton-Stewart

by Cassandra

14th Feb 2019

Normally, when the word Torture is written about in the media, we expect it to be either a historical account of a past event from decades ago like the Holocaust in World War II or to refer to human rights abuses in Asia, the Middle East, or the illegal use of torture during war conflicts and capturing terrorists, but always somewhere very far away from where we reside.

In 2019 this is the growing reality for communities and knowingly innocent Targeted People of Integrity in Western Democratic Society today: Voyeuristic Torture-For-Profit Programs utilizing stealth/neuro-weaponry/microchips/implants for mind/body mapping/ biohacking/ manipulation/control/implanting of thoughts/ images/ movies/ dreams/ sound/ mind-reading to invade every intimate moment of privacy you can imagine in a target’s mind/body/home/whilst out-and-about.

These programs are run covertly by corrupt networks of 5 Eye Countries’ Intel, police, and fusion centres who knowingly and wrongfully place innocent Targeted People on scam watchlists.

Neighbours, work colleagues, and paid members of the community of all ages including children are trained and co-opted to participate in Mobbing and Torture of Innocent Targeted People via Directed Energy Weapons, Neuro-Weaponry, See Through the Wall Technology, V2K, and to participate in spreading of defamation and private information about the Target, organized harassment, stalking, verbal abuse, set-ups on the target for cover stories and cover-ups all in exchange for benefits, rewards, promotions, money, free cars to drive around in to stalk Targeted People.

This network of organized crime and torture has been coined and exposed by NSA Whistle Blower Karen Melton-Stewart as the Murder-For-Profit Club rolled out over USA, UK, Europe, 5 Eye Countries, Globally.

(Read Karen Melton-Stewart’s Targeted story here:

These types of Bio/Neuro-Hacking Torture and Invasion of Privacy could potentially be rolled out on everyone with the expected 5G roll out across the world.

Investigative Science and Technology Writer Ramola D informs us via her thread on Twitter:

The psychologist Stanley Milgram began his now famous Milgram experiments in 1961 testing how obedient all levels of education of people in society were to authority figures, who were coerced into giving increasingly high voltage & (fatal had they been real) electric shocks to another person in a different room whom they could only hear but could not see, whenever they answered a question wrong.

(Read more about the experiment here:

These types of experiments and shocking obedience to authority whether based on false narratives, coercion, threats to one’s own liberty and life, are shown in real-life examples in the below excerpts.

I have chosen the prevalent topic of Torture which is fast becoming a part of our Western societal paradigm of living and have compared the similarities to the illegal use of Torture at Guantanamo Bay and during war conflicts and capturing enemy combatants with Voyeuristic Torture-For-Profit Programs on Knowingly Innocent People whilst neighbours, work colleagues, people in the community, medical professionals, friends, family are co-opted to participate in the demise and destruction of a person’s life based on outright lies, false narratives, profit, jealousy, cover-ups, coercion, threats, obedience to authority.

The following (in green ink) are excerpts from the book Tortured: When Good Soldiers Do Bad Things by Justine Sharrock, interspersed with commentary (my own writing in blue ink) and excerpts from other sources (in red ink) with links to that work which relate to the Torture Program Murder-For-Profit Club on Knowingly Innocent People of Integrity, Whistle Blowers, Activists, Journalists, to neutralize truth and cover-up anything the Deep State and Governments do not want the public to know about.

This is a long read if read carefully and the links provided followed up in depth. It may take several readings to absorb all the information especially if new to this topic.

I urge you to research this yourself and to please be kind enough to spread far and wide the links to articles exposing these sick and dangerous Crimes Against Humanity that affect literally EVERYONE on this planet and our own Communities.

Every article has been written by a Target affected by these Torture-For-Profit Programs at great risk to our lives and those we love. The only way we can stop it is with MASSIVE PUBIC EXPOSURE.

Torture — Hidden in Plain Sight

“Part of the reason the United States has been able to pull off its torture regime is that it was hidden in plain sight. The process was normalized and sanitized, through rhetorical tricks, dubious legal arguments, and bureaucratic rigmarole, making it more palatable for the public and simpler for soldiers.”– Tortured: When Good Soldiers Do Bad Things by Justine Sharrock


“Do you know, that FBI takes “contracts” on innocent people to enrich themselves privately, then tasks a main Fusion Center to FABRICATE FALSE ACCUSATIONS, FALSE EVIDENCE, FALSE WITNESSES TO NON-EXISTENT CRIMES in order to place innocent people on the Infragard Watch List?”

“How the FBI (& DHS/NSA/CIA) Wrongfully Targets Innocent & Stand-Out Americans with COURT-ORDERS from Bought Judges For Purposes of Criminal Community Takeover

Posted below is critically important information from FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee from a very recent post he made on Portland Indymedia offering a sample court-order and discussing the modality by which the FBI, acting locally via Federal Magistrate Judges, wrongfully procures court-orders on innocent targets, which are then used like a weapon to defame, smear, dismiss, discredit, and socially-isolate the target locally, in ways which then ensure that all whom the FBI notifies will necessarily participate in community-wide actions to treat the target like a criminal — by constant and overt physical and electronic monitoring, surveilling, stalking, mobbing, harassment and coded Psy Op actions intended to provoke and stress the target in Mengele-style 24/7 Persecution Operations, which have in some cases led to the death by suicide of the target.”

“We now live in a society where this government is experimenting on the public with electromagnetic weapons for the sole purpose of control….The entire system has to change; otherwise the government will eventually admit that they possess this technology and continue using it and find a way to justify its use under the guise of national security.”–Dr. John Hall (Chapter 15, Pergola of Perdition, Guinea Pigs/Technologies of Control)

“What has been disclosed by the military are weapons which interact with our living energetic systems — living systems which are responsible for sustaining our lives and mental processes. These new weapons are unlike anything ever contemplated by mankind. These are weapon systems which pierce the very integrity of the human being….The greatest issue moving against humanity is the “secrecy syndrome” which governments have succumbed to since the end of World War II. This government paranoia is the enemy of freedom. We need to recognize that within democratic institutions the requirement to disclose weapons and technology concepts should be a matter for public debate. We do not have to tell people how to build these systems, but we must be able to debate these new concepts.”–Dr. Nick Begich (Controlling the Human Mind, On the Way to 1984)

“The common disbelief of the uninformed public is expertly nurtured by those operating in these highly secretive programs. Discrediting is a very important and valuable proponent which serves as an effective means to successfully keep these covert programs under wraps as long as possible and allowing them to thrive. A misdiagnosis enables the continued abuse and cover up of electronic harassment in Psychological Operations, regarding the Targeted Individual….If I can stress anything as vital here, I must stress that the psychosis diagnosis of Targeted Individuals is the ace-in-the-hole for continued testing of technology on human subjects around the world legally.” –Renee Pittman M, (Chapter 11, Remote Brain Targeting)

Torture “Lite”(!)

“So-called torture lite has been proven to cause complete psychological breakdowns, permanent physical ailments, and sometimes death. Forced standing, for instance, causes ankles to swell to twice their size within twenty-four hours, which makes walking excruciating. Some prisoners faint and even suffer kidney failure. A 2007 study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry reported that treatments such as forced stress positions, blindfolding, threats against one’s family, and sleep deprivation cause the same level of mental suffering, traumatic stress, and long-term psychological outcomes as physical torture.” — Tortured: When Good Soldiers Do Bad Things by Justine Sharrock

Victims of insidious torture via EMF, Microwaves, Sonic, and Scalar Waves from Directed Energy Weapons and Neuro-Weaponry from CO-OPTED neighbours and PAID/BRIBED people in the community who routinely frequent and rotate shifts in neighbouring properties (which include the co-opting and training of children and teenagers to participate in GENOCIDE of Knowingly Innocent Targets/People for profit), cell phone towers, and satellites, experience daily Physical, Psychological, and Sexual Torture.

Victims are tracked in their own home, mind, and body 24/7, often unable to find reprieve from sitting, standing, or laying down as technology is directed to where the victim is located, vibrating under genitals for sexual stimulation, zapping of joints and internal organs, strong electromagnetic frequency on the brain for effects on cognition, mind control, submission, and control of consciousness and sleep for sleep deprivation. Legs can be insidiously radiated and swelled to double their size to make walking painful and to gas light; many doctors will not acknowledge the source of these symptoms or will offer little to no treatment. These are just several examples that correlate with the examples given in the above excerpt, it is by no means an exhaustive list of symptoms nor the weaponry used.

The difference being, at places like Guantanamo Bay, the prisoners are recognized as being Tortured Without Due Process whereas in Western Democratic Countries victims are GAS LIGHTED and can be PUNITIVELY SECTIONED or FALSELY ARRESTED for exposing or seeking justice for their Illegal Surveillance Torture by rogue authorities, governments, private contractors, and greedy, ignorant, jealous, fearful civilians from all walks of life who are quick to profit from torturing victims and participating in set-ups, cover-ups, slander and hate campaigns to defame and denigrate the victim to stop them from getting help; usually by the time the victim has worked out that they have been illegally added to a SCAM WATCHLIST that profits from destroying all areas of a person’s life, their support system of friends, family, and romantic relationships have also been manipulated, interfered with, and relationships broken or co-opted out of fear, torture, retaliation, ignorance, or convinced by falsified official documents on slander and fabricated accusations, and fake investigations against the victim.

The below excerpt equally applies to how these Crimes Against Humanity, Torture, and Genocide are implemented in the UK, rest of Europe, the Five Eye countries, and Globally:


Did you know that some of your neighbors have been recruited into a secret “Murder-for-profit” Club?

To justify their existence, Homeland Security/Fusion Centers in each state recruit low-life civilians into a secret, unconstitutional army of vigilantes that harass, harm, and murder for money.

These innocent, unsuspecting victims are loaded onto the fraud Terrorist Watch List to bloat the numbers of threats to the community, in order to increase Fusion Center funding. Slander is used to hate/fear monger.

Fusion Centers pay civilian thugs to identify vulnerable people, older, alone, or people with assets someone else wants, or who wealthy, powerful, or influential people find “inconvenient” and want neutralized or “snuffed out”.

A main Fusion Center takes the contract hit, constructs a (“parallel construction”) dossier or list of non-existent, fabricated crimes on the person, then sends it out to the appropriate Fusion Centers as the fraudulent basis for illegal persecution and criminal harassment and torture of that person until he/she is dead.

Screenshot 2019-04-08 18.09.31.png


!cheetah ban
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