Top 10 Futuristic Cities Of The World

in #toptruths5 years ago

Do futuristic concepts such as high-speed trains, mile-high buildings and man-made islands leave you in awe? Does the idea of the future thrill or terrify you? Cities all around the world are working to push the boundaries on what it means to be modern or even futuristic. For those tech-heads and forward thinkers who love to travel, why not visit the Top 10 Futuristic Cities Of The World?

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  1. Brasilia, Brazil
    The incredible feel of Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, comes from the way it was designed. This city was built from scratch in the 1950s and therefore has a holistic, unified aesthetic look. It pretty much looks like it just came out of a sci-fi movie. The planners responsible for designing the city intended that every element — from the layout of the districts to the symmetry of the buildings themselves — should be in harmony with the city’s overall design. Even those who don’t appreciate the finer details of design will certainly appreciate the city’s spacey, futuristic feel.
  2. Bangalore, India
    Bangalore is known as the “Silicon Valley” of India. It’s technology scene is what gave it a place on our list. Despite being practically unheard of just 20 years ago, it’s now one of the fastest-growing cities in the world and it’s now responsible for more than half of India’s cutting-edge biotech industry. As a hub of international wealth and tech talent, Western nations began outsourcing companies like Dell and LinkedIn to Bangalore, which is not only cheaper for those companies, it also provides work for the engineers of India. However, nowadays, Bangalore’s popular Bagmane Tech Park, a complex of offices, factories, and research institutes, is moving beyond being an outsource hub. Many of the talented engineers have started to become entrepreneurs with their own big ideas, expanding Bangalore’s reputation as a futuristic city even further.
  3. Helsinki, Finland
    Helsinki has made clear strides toward becoming a new modern city with their technological advancements, social progress, and modern Scandinavian architecture. One of the best things about travelling to Helsinki is that connecting to the internet is never a problem due to the city-wide free WiFi zones. The most developed city in Finland also has eight universities and many more schools within its city limits, demonstrating the emphasis they put on education. And although a famous neoclassical cathedral dominates Helsinki’s skyline, the city has plenty of sleek modern buildings too.
  4. London, UK
    London has always been an influential force in the modern world, but recent developments are moving it to the forefront of innovation. After the decline of its empire, London has re-emerged as a global economy. Although a large portion of the city’s landmark architecture is historical, recent additions of shiny skyscrapers have been well incorporated into the old city. Technological, Scientific and Medical developments in London are among the most advanced in the world, with a standard of education matched by few other cities. The dense population enjoy an extremely high quality of life, with free health care and an extensive infrastructure of well-designed public transport.
  5. Hong Kong, China
    Hong Kong became a major global force in the 1970s and enjoys a place as one of the world’s leading financial sectors. Its public transportation is top-notch too, with nearly the entire population covered by its trains, buses, trams, and ferries. But it’s really the city’s buildings that seal its fate as a vision of the urban future. Simply put, Hong Kong has more skyscrapers than any other city in the world. And some of them, including the Jockey Club Innovation Tower, are truly gravity-defying. One of the great things about their modern architecture is that it’s also balanced by a healthy proportion of protected country parks. And although it may not count, you can find beautiful beaches and mountain trails just outside the city, too.

  1. Tokyo, Japan
    Rising skyscrapers, flashing neon signs, contemporary architecture, and bustling streets filled with the newest technology set the scene in one of the world’s most modern cities. A superpower in smartphone technology, robotics, and automobiles, Tokyo is famed for being one of the most advanced cities in the world. Essentially everything about this city of 13 million people screams “future.” A walk around Tokyo could lead you to meet a robot on the street, wander into an electronics store that’s six stories high, or even find the incredible Tokyo Skytree - a free-standing tower over 2,000ft tall, making it the largest tower in the world and the second largest building after the Burj Khalifa in Dubai.
  2. Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    What’s the first thing that comes to mind when somebody mentions Dubai? For us, it’s the magnificent, awe-inspiring largest building in the world – the Burj Khalifa. It’s the most visibly futuristic thing about Dubai, but there is also other impressive architecture throughout the city too, including underwater hotels and the Palm Islands - a group of large man-made islands that resemble palm leaves. Given this cityscape, it’s no wonder the metropolis has warranted comparisons to SimCity.
  3. Seoul, South Korea
    During the 1950s, Seoul was a city devastated by the Korean War. Once the war was over, the country suffered in poverty. Today, however, it’s one of the most prosperous and technologically advanced places in the world. After the Korean War, a huge number of people moved from rural areas into Seoul, leading to rapidly built buildings with no focus on aesthetics. Now with 20 percent of South Korea’s population living in the city, urban planners are working with the wealth and power in the city to create what was named the World Design Capital in 2010. The city has a thriving arts scene, great museums, and well-designed architecture. From the moment you step off the plane and walk through the international airport, you’ll feel like you’ve travelled forward in time. There is also a love of nightlife in Seoul and if you love to party, this is the city to visit. The hard workers of Korea need somewhere to blow off steam, so there are many 24-hour shopping malls, saunas, bars, pools, and restaurants – just about everything you could need! In fact, many of the shopping malls are over 10 stories tall, with departments for everything you can imagine – especially for tech-heads who always enjoy having the latest gadgets and inventions.
  4. San Francisco, USA
    San Francisco is the technological innovation hub of the Unites States. Thousands who work in the IT industry call the city of San Francisco home, and many refer to it as the “brain” of the famed Silicon Valley, which is situated in the southern part of the Bay Area of San Francisco. Here is where you’ll find the home of the biggest technology companies on the planet, including Google and Facebook. There are few places on Earth where technology talent is as densely concentrated as it is in the Silicon Valley. The city is constantly producing creative talent and is filled with vibrant people in their 20s and 30s who are all plugged into the internet.
  5. Singapore
    The small island city-state of Singapore has risen up in the ranks to become a top modern Asian city. After finally gaining independence from Japanese, British, and Malaysian colonies in 1965, the first prime minister Lee Kuan Yew led the country for over 30 years and is responsible for transforming Singapore into one of the richest places in the world. The gleaming state is full of glass skyscrapers and modern architecture, like the incredible SkyPark hotel, part of Singapore’s mega-resort scene. Under Lee Kuan Yew’s leadership, city planners have left spaces across the island for many parks and sustainable, green areas. The so-called Lion City boasts of one of the least-corrupt governments, most business-friendly economies, a first-class education system, strict laws on crime, and a thriving arts scene, making it one of the most advanced places on Earth.

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