The Top 5 Futuristic Technologies Coming Our World - Steemit EditionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #top57 years ago


It's something that over the last 1000 years started to evolve faster than the life that creates it. Many intelligent people believe we will see the world hit the great singularity within the next 33 years. Something i've noticed over my years on the planet, is it has become more and more efficient at what it does day to day. We see updates and new versions of tech released on a weekly basis. So here I am @king-crypto bringing you the top 5 techs coming to our world!

#5. The Jetpack

It seems like something out of a dream but it's true. We are coming closer and closer to realizing the potential that Jetpacks can bring to our species and we are seeing more and more companies and investors getting involved with the technology.

#4. TALOS - The Iron Man Suit.

Government Military researches must be big MARVEL fans because this is something out of a comic book. Coming closer and closer to actually being used. This suit of the Future is what we will expect to see our Armed forces wearing one day.

#3. Sense of Touch Prosthetics

With companies like DARPA and others working day by day to make the lives of amputees easier. We've come to see these technologies jump leaps and bounds since the days of the wooden leg. It won't be long til perhaps humans even opt for surgery's to have these Prosthetics just like synthetic breast and butt implants today.

#2. Aerofex Aero-X

Transport as you and I know it being revolutionized on a daily basis. It's incredible seeing the techs that will come to pass as day to day objects years from now. This is one I'm excited for! As a fan of Motorbikes, I would absolutely love to own my very own, personal hovercraft that I can use to get to work. Ahh, the Future, you spoil us.

#1. The Ability to Colonize Mars

One task that the worlds collective great minds are trying to figure out. One day, not long from now, you may just have a relative that lives on ANOTHER Planet.


It's incredible and min-blowing to think that just 5-10 years from now the world could be completely different to how we know it now, it induces all kinds of emotions if you think about it deeply, from Excitement, Anxiousness, Happiness, Hopefullness and a whole other spectrum I didn't mention. We are an amazing species, the sooner we realise this and work TOGETHER instead of against each other, the better off we and our future generations, will be.

Let me know what you thought in the comments! A heap of research and effort went into bringing an exciting and original article to steemit so i'd love to talk about your thoughts too!

Swimmin with whalesss.jpg


This is wild!

Bobba Fett would be proud of #5, the Rocket Man jet-pack. The Star Wars Snow Troopers and Clone Troopers are real now as seen in number #4. The bionic or 6 million dollar man would love #3. Back To The Future Marty and the Doc would love to get a hover board or power board from those people in #2. And Matt Damon played a man that went to Mars as seen in #2. If we are not already on Mars, secretly, then we will at least get there in the next 20 years probably and that is awesome, #1.

Hahaha, great comment - Made me laugh. It's true, hollywood are the modern day prophets.

So many cool things happening in the world! Can't wait to see

Yeah I love the idea of what the world will be like 20 years from now. I'm a massive sci-fi and cyberpunk fan so it's a natural thought I guess haha!

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