Wisdom tooth removal for the over 30s

in #tooth7 years ago

The average person starts to see their wisdom teeth coming through during their latter teenage years, or in their early twenties. It is a sign of moving from the last remnants of childhood into adulthood, and it can be a rather painful experience. However, that is not what happens to everyone. There is a forgotten group of people dealing with wisdom tooth pain, and it is those people who do not see their wisdom teeth start to come through until they are in their thirties – or potentially, even later. Much of the advice that is out there is along the lines of how to balance the pain of wisdom teeth coming through with revising for that final, or getting out of kissing that boy when your jaw is in agony: brilliant advice for a seventeen year old, but not much help for a 34 year old who has to present to the board in the morning!

So when it comes to wisdom teeth for the over thirties, what is different? Well, as we’ve previously alluded to, your life is that much further along which means that you have bigger responsibilities to consider. It’s not often possible just to take a week out of your life to get your wisdom teeth removed, because you may have very young children that need almost constant care. You may have little sick pay at your place of work, and so you cannot financially afford to take so much time off from work. You may have a partner, parent, or child that you are a carer for who would not be able to look after themselves if you were unable to care for them. These considerations have to be thought about, and they cannot simply be ignored because you are in pain.

However, if the pain is not addressed then it is only going to get worse rather than better, and so you cannot leave a wisdom tooth alone forever. When you talk to a dentist, they may tell you that if you simply take pain relief regularly then you will be able to get over the worst, but it may be that because of the way that the wisdom tooth is coming through, there is no other option but to have it out. But don’t worry: if you live in San Diego wisdom teeth removal is not something that you just have to accept lightly – there are literally hundreds of different dentists that you can talk to about getting this done. They will all offer different opening hours and approaches to having your wisdom teeth out, and you will definitely find one that is able to fit into your life.

Living with that sort of level of pain is not something that you simply have to accept, especially if you are in your thirties. This is a time for living your life to the full, not being unable to open your jaw properly to eat the food that you love and talk to the people that you care about! In San Diego wisdom teeth removal is an option for absolutely everyone, and as most people have a recovery time of around five days, you could be back to your normal life before you know it. There is no reason why an older person dealing with wisdom teeth pain has to have any more difficulties that a teenager suffering from the same sort of thing, so make sure that you make your teeth and yourself a priority, and talk to a dentist about wisdom teeth removal – the sooner the better!

About the author: http://paigewoods.com

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