Petrified 7-yr-old girl RAPED in latest TERROR ATTACK

Today it has been revealed a 7-year-old Israeli girl was abducted from her Jewish school and raped in a house nearby by the school's Palestinian janitor.

We often hear the claim that Israel is an apartheid state for the way they treat Palestinians. But nothing could further from the truth or more offensive to victims of real apartheid.

There are more than 2 million Christian and Muslim Arabs who live in Israel and enjoy equal rights to their Jewish peers - including my officer in the Israeli Army.

Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza vote for their government (often terrorist groups such as Hamas), pay tax to their government and are ruled by Palestinians who regularly call for the genocide of their Jewish neighbours.

Despite the hatred, Palestinians have the right to apply for a work permit in Israel.

Many Palestinians opt to work in Israel because Israel's minimum wage is about ten times that of the Palestinian territories, and in Israel, they receive health care benefits and other entitlements.

But the blind hatred Palestinians learn from birth and harbour as adults towards Jews makes hiring Palestinians a risky choice for Israeli businesses.

In this latest case, the Palestinian janitor took advantage of the Jewish school's generosity to perpetuate the most heinous crime.

But this is not the first time a Palestinian has used rape as a form of Islamic terror.

In April, 19-year-old Ori Ansbacher was raped and murdered by a Palestinian man, Arafat Irfaiya, who admitted it was an act of Jihad.

Those who deny these depraved acts are acts of terror are either ignorant or lying.

According to Islam, Mohammad was the perfect man. Muslims believe they have to emulate their "prophet". Everything he did was good, and as a good Muslim, you must strive to be like him.

Mohammad raped and murdered Jews in the name of Jihad.

This petrified 7-year-old was just Mohammad's latest victim.

Posted from TR.News with SteemPress :

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