Jean-Claude Juncker says a No Deal Brexit looks more and more likely

EU Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker said Today that he believes a No Deal Brexit is looking ever more likely and unless Theresa may's deal is backed by MP's there will be no more short extensions to Article 50.

Speaking today he said “European Council has given all necessary time and space to the UK to take its decision. I believe a No Deal on 12th April at midnight has become a scenario which looks more and more likely.

It’s not what I want but we have made sure the EU is ready to face up to that situation. We have been preparing since December 2017. We’ve always known that the logic of Article 50 makes No Deal a default option. We’ve known for a long time what the balance of powers is in the House of Commons.

Commenting on the alternative possibility he said “If the United Kingdom is in a position to approve the Withdrawal Agreement with a sustainable majority by 12th April, the European Union should be prepared to accept a delay until 22nd May.

“But 12th April is the ultimate deadline for the approval of the Withdrawal Agreement by the House of Commons. If it has not done so by then, no further short extension will be possible. After 12th April, we risk jeopardising the European Parliament elections, and so threaten the functioning of the European Union.”

The saga continues.....



Posted from TR.News with SteemPress :

I hope he sticks to the 12th April the sooner we leave the better!! No more extensions or deals we just leave!

Posted using Partiko Android

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