Tolerance...not so tolerant

in #tolerance7 years ago

So I was getting my daily amusement scrolling through Facebook, I came across a post that I just had to comment on ( I was nice don't worry) I saw this

"Studies show that 13% of Americans disapprove of interracial marriage, 37% of Americans disapprove of same-sex marriage, but a whopping 69% of Americans disapprove of single mothers"....reading this stat makes me feel like I'm living in the dark ages and not a "progressive tolerant" society."

For the record I have not validated these so-called statistics, I personally feel a lot of these are made up. That being said who else sees that these "progressive" Liberals want it only one way? We are to accept any and all of their ideas, without question or else you are a bigot. The bakery shop that refused to bake a cake for a gay couple is a great example, remember what happened there? That's right, the owners where sued, now that does not sound very tolerant, does it? So I decided to look up some definitions just to make sure.

Let us start with "progressive" we often hear the liberals use this term, but what do they really mean?

Progressive: (of a group, person, or idea) favoring or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
"a relatively progressive governor"

Favoring or implementing SOCIAL REFORM or new ideas. Okay so the "progressive movement" is the idea of adopting new social order, in other words, the way society operates as a whole. What is right and wrong. New liberal ideas...well let's see what liberal means, scroll down and see for yourself. What I find interesting is this...

open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
"they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"

(of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
synonyms: wide-ranging, broad-based, general
"a liberal education"

willingness to discard traditional values, broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.

So let me get this straight, you wish to discard "traditional values" well what values would those be? The values of marriages that lasted, or that children respected adults and did not go on mass shooting sprees? Or how about families that were not torn apart by financial stress, rampant drug and alcohol abuse or straight up a life of debt, doing nothing more than running yourself into the ground until you die just to pay the tax man.

This girl who posted that on Facebook started off with a quote on statistics of anti-liberal conformist propaganda. Why don't we look at the stats from a time that could be considered traditional and compare them to the stats of today?

Last but not least. Tolerance. This is the favorite tool of the left wing nut job screaming at the baker to be tolerant, while not being so towards the other individual. I dare not classify my fictional pointe of view because I might offend someone. Here is a clip from the definition

"the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular, the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with"

Okay, this one is pretty clear. So we know that a self-proclaimed Liberal by word and by action proclaims to get rid of traditional value systems all why getting rid of technical training and experience with ideology and experiences all while attacking others for their belief systems. Accusing those that do not agree to be racist, bigots, homophobes and whatever else they can come up with. Therefore by definition, they are not being tolerant of others.

I will go further into these subjects as we move on, but I would like to pointe out that this is just another reason that Facebook sucks.

Tolerance defined.JPGprogressive defined.JPGliberal defined greater.JPG

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